Thursday News Stuff


Well, now that Photoshop World Vegas is in the history books, I guess it’s time to get back to “real life” and the ol’ blog-a-roo. In that spirt, here’s what’s up:

Update on the New “Photoshop User TV
We’re just about finished building-out the new studio, with its totally new look, and new way-cool format for the show, and in just a couple of weeks, we’ll be launching our new season of Photoshop User TV, with loads of new Photoshop tutorials and tricks (and more content than ever!). We’re just getting so close now I thought I’d better check in and let you know it’s moving along really well. We’ve been running some “mini-shows” during the construction phases, but we’re almost there. Also, Matt Kloskowski and I are launching a new digital photography show as well (the one that’s taking the place of D-Town), and it’ll be up and running right after we get the new and improved Photoshop User TV on the air. Lots of really cool stuff coming up!

Incredible Sports Portraits from Photographer Paul Aresu
Somehow I came across the site of sports portrait photographer Paul Aresu and OMG this guy’s stuff just rocks! Great photography and great post production all the way around. Even if sports doesn’t interest you on any level, his images will. Just incredible work! (here’s the link).

You’ve got to read this article on ethical cropping
I found this New York Times essay, by photographer David Hume Kennerly absolutely fascinating, and if you’ve ever had an ethical debate about what can be done in Photoshop, then read this article about what can be done with just a simple crop. Here’s the link.

My Lightroom Tour is in the Detroit Area next week
I’ll be in Livonia, Michigan next Friday for my “Lightroom 2 Live Tour” and it’s the first time I’ve brought my Lightroom Workshop to Michigan, and I’m really excited about it (We already have nearly 350 photographers signed up), and I hope you’ll join me for a day that’ll change the way your manage and edit your photos—-guaranteed! Here’s the link with details.

That’s about all for today. We’ve got LOTS of cool stuff in the works, so keep an eye here on the blog. It’s going to be a wild 4th quarter for sure!!!! Have a great one!


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