Hi gang: Here’s what up:
I love Bill Fortney
If you read the comments posted about Bill Fortney’s Guest Blog yesterday, it’s clear to see that people love Bill Fortney (shown above with me at a workshop we taught together in the Great Smoky Mountains). They love his photography (which is amazing—you really need to see his portrfolio to appreciate it), but they love the man behind the camera just as much, and it really comes through in your comments. Thanks Bill—we love you!
My MPIX Pro Journey
OK, so last week I signed up for MPIX Pro (see the link here for details on why), and one part of the process is to upload five images to the MPIX Pro web site, then they print them as 8x10s and send you back printed proofs, so you can compare them with your monitor (and your monitor calibration) and see if any adjustments need to be made (for the record; the color was spot on, but the prints came out a bit darker than my MacBook Pro’s monitor, but I usually keep my brightness turned all the way up, so I know to dim it down about three or four notches—not exactly sure which yet, but I will after my first print job. I’m going to start with three steps down and see from there).
The quality of the printing, as expected, was excellent, but what I was most impressed with was (and this might sound silly), was the quality of their welcome kit. It was very smartly designed, and put together like you’d hope it would be, complete with a calibration test print, and access to an online course for how to calibrate your monitor to work with MPIXpro. I’ll be placing my first order this weekend, and I’ll let you know more when it comes in, but so far—I’m very impressed.
Corey’s New Online Class Breaks New Ground in 3D
This week we released a new online class on Kelby Training on working with 3D from Photoshop wizard Corey Barker called “Outrageous 3D with Photoshop CS4 Extended.” The stuff Corey has figured out to do with 3D in Photoshop is just absolutely mind-boggling (stuff I haven’t seen anybody doing anywhere), and if you’re into 3D–you’ve got to see this! Here’s the link to the lesssons he covers.
Tomorrow’s the last day to get your Photo Walk t-shirt
Well, it’s not technically the last day; it’s just the last day to make your purchase worth $10 a shirt to the Spring of Hope Kenya Orphanage. Do it now—it’ll make you feel better than anything else you’ll do all day. Here’s the link.
The Photo Nomads review Down & Dirty Tricks
I just ran across a review of my Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks book over at the Photo Nomads blog. Here’s the link (By the way; although it’s called the “Photoshop CS4 book” about 95% of the techniques work on Photoshop CS3 as well. Here’s the link to the book on Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.com, ya know…just in case).
That’s it for today, folks
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you guys have your best Thursday ever!