Here’s what’s up:
- Back in March of this year I did a tutorial about shooting tethered directly into Lightroom during a bridal shoot (here’s the link), and since I was shooting Nikon gear, I showed how to do the set-up using Nikon’s Camera Control 2 software to link between my camera and Lightroom. Luckily, one of my readers, Terry Reinert did a tutorial follow-up that ties directly into my tutorial (picking up at Step Four) on how to shoot tethered for Canon users using the Canon EOS Utility, and he did a great job of it, too! Here’s the link (My thanks to Terry for adding this important info. Way to go!). :)
- If you’re going to Photoshop World in Vegas next month, I hope you’ll stop by and catch one of the sessions I’m teaching. I’m doing three classes (one each day of the conference).
- On Thursday, Sept. 4th, I’m doing a class on Typography Essentials and Type Design, which combines two of my all-time most popular Photoshop World classes into one session, where the focus is mostly on designing with type for photographers and designers new to working with type.
- On Friday, Sept. 5th, I’m teaching a brand new class on Retouching Portraits.
- On Saturday, Sept. 6th, I’m doing the “Photoshop Seven-Point System” class that I debuted earlier this year in Orlando, and I had such great response from it, that I’m offering it in Vegas as well.
There are more than 70 sessions overall, and if you want to see the full class schedule, you can check it out right here. Hope to see you in one of my sessions!
- NAPP member Tom Calderwood did a Star Trail photo, using time lapse photography, that came out really beautifully (you can see it right here in his NAPP online portfolio), but Tom took things up a step by showing how he did it, including putting together an online video of all the frames coming together, and if you’ve got a minute, it’s worth checking here (here’s that link).
- Just an update; I’m getting a lot of questions from people who have pre-ordered my Lightroom 2 Book for Digital Photographers, because shows the shipping date as January 2009. Not to worry—that’s just a glitch in the system of some sort; I’ve already finished writing the book, it’s already in production, and I’ll be signing copies at Photoshop World in Vegas in just a few weeks, so the January thing is, well…it’s wacked. So, if it doesn’t freak you out seeing a totally wrong shipping date, you can preorder it now at, or Barnes &, or wherever fine Lightroom books are sold.
That’s it for this fine Tuesday. Have a good one! :)