Hi folks—here’s what’s up:
New Help Portrait Web Site and Must-see Video
As Brad and I are starting to ramp up for our local “Help Portrait” shoot (on Saturday, December 12th), we just got word that organizer Jeremy Cowart (a really terrific guy and incredible photographer) has released a new updated version of the Help Portrait Web site, along with a quick video you’ve just got to see. Here’s the link (seriously, if you’ve got a minute, this is really an incredibly wonderful thing he’s doing. Don’t stand on the sidelines—-get involved with photographers all over the world who, on December 12th are giving back by sharing our talents to do something really great for those less fortunate).
Wait…I Forgot These Three!
Yesterday, after I posted my “10 things I wish I could Tell Every New Lightroom User” article, my buddy Matt Kloskowski did a follow-up post over at Lightroom Killer Tips with three more things he would add, and not only are they spot-on, but I agree with every one of them. Here’s the link to Matt’s follow-up post.
Just Released: “Editing Video Shot With Your DSLR” Online Class
Video guru, photographer, and Photoshop World instructor Richard Harrington just released a new online class at Kelby Training Online called Editing Your DSLR Video on a Mac, and it answers so many questions about this booming new area of creativity for photographers. If you’ve got a DSLR that shoots video, you’ve got to catch Rich’s class (here’s the link). NOTE: We have another class already in production on editing DSLR video for Windows users.
Also just released is a class from RC Concepcion called “WordPress Basics for Photographers.” We asked RC to do this class because we get so many requests from photographers who want to do their own WordPress Blogs, and there’s just not anything like this out there. Way to go, RC! (Here’s the link to that class).
Terry White (of Terry’s Tech-Blog Fame) Releases His Annual Holiday Gift Guide
Another guy in a race to ensure he gets little to no sleep is my buddy Terry White, who just released his Annual Holiday Gift Guide, and he’s got all the cool tech toys, camera goodies, Mac goodies, and well just loads of goodies for everybody on your shopping list. Here’s the link (definitely worth checking out. I saw lots of things I hadn’t thought of!).
Tomorrow’s Special Guest Blogger is…..
…following in the fine tradition of special guest bloggers that are photo assistant, and this week we’re honored to feature Scott Rinckenberger, who is Chase Jarvis’ assistant.
I’ve got to imagine, Scott has some amazing stories from his life in the field with Chase, so I can’t wait to see what he has to share, so please join us both here tomorrow to see what Scott has in store (That’s right, it’s “Double-Scott Wednesday”). ;-)
Have a Great Tuesday Everybody
During your day today, take two seconds to smile and know that so many of you here on the blog pitched in to help build a orphanage in Kenya that opened its doors on Friday, and without you guys, it that simply wouldn’t have happened. That is something worth smiling about. :)