Tuesday News Stuffage


Don’t Miss Adobe’s CS5 Launch Event on Monday
Next Monday, Adobe is taking the wraps off Photoshop CS5 (and the rest of the Adobe Creative Suite), with a global launch event. Without stealing any of Adobe’s thunder, I can tell you hands down that it’s one of the most important, and robust upgrades in years, so you don’t want to miss it (and yes—your mind will be blown!). Here’s the link to attend this free online event.

Moose’s After Show Coverage
Photoshop World instructor, Moose Peterson, did a great photo slideshow (using Animoto) featuring images and video he took during Photoshop World. It does a great job of showing another side of Photoshop World, and if you’ve got a quick sec, check it out right here. (It looks like Moose had a lot of fun that week!).

Meet Me In Chicago on Friday
I hope you can join me in Chicago on Friday for my “Photoshop CS4 for Digital Photographers” seminar (at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center). It’s gonna be a blast—–I hope I’ll see you there. (here’s a link with details).

Check Out Terry’s Top Must-Have iPad Apps
Terry White shares his Top-10 Must-Have iPad Apps for the Apple iPad, over at  “BestAppsSite.com.” If you’ve got an iPad, you gotta check it out. Also, if you missed Terry’s full iPad review (he had massive server issues yesterday), you can read it right here (it’s one of the best, and most complete reviews I’ve seen anywhere).

Check out this iPad video review from Talking Tech
Take a minute and check out these iPad video reviews from USA Today’s Talking Tech crew (Jefferson Graham and Ed Baig), and it will answer a lot of your iPad questions, pros, and cons included. Here’s the link.

Tomorrow’s Guest Blogger is….
…a photographer whose work I’ve admired for a while now, and I finally got to meet him in person when I was speaking at Professional Imaging 2010 in Holland, photographer and trainer, Frank Doorhof. As I mentioned in my report from the event, Frank rocks (I watched his show floor demos four times), and I can’t wait to see what he’s got to share tomorrow, so make sure you check it out.


In honor of Frank’s Guest Blog tomorrow, I’m giving away…..
…a signed copy of the special edition hardcover Dutch Translation of my books, The Digital Photography books Volumes 1, 2 & 3 (it’s all three books in just one book—as seen above). It’s really nicely done—so nice in fact, that I wish there was an English edition. All you have to do is be the first photographer based in the Benelux region to tell me you want the book, and it’s yours , with my compliments (I’ll sign it, and we’ll ship it to right to you).

That’s it for today gang
I hope you guys have a great Tuesday, and we’ll see you back here tomorrow for Frank’s Guest Blog. :)

  1. Hi Scott, I’d love to have the book, but I can buy my own copy. I think a lot of people can’t. So I suggest you give it to someone who can’t afford to buy it. I ask all Dutch fans of Scott (and I know there’re a lot) to come up with good suggestions!

    1. Hi Scott,

      Love your site and yes, I knew that Frank was invited for a guest blog. Frank is a really great photographer and I love his work. I would love to have the book of you, Oh, by the way, I’m living in Swifterbant, which is in the middle of The Netherlands right on the seafloor :)



      1. Congrats Ties—-you won!!!! :)

        I’ll contact you to get your shipping address. Hope you enjoy the book!


  2. Scott, looking forward to guest blog. Your coverage of the IPad release has ben great, keep it up. I got the wireless keypad instead of the dock and it works fine. My PC is getting that look like it may be the next to go :( .

  3. Scott,

    Thought this would be a great time to ask a question. In your portfolio, the soccer match goalie picture is sprinkled with something. Was it raining, or was some sort of noise introduced? Neat effect.



  4. I just bought the first part in dutch for a good friend of mine who just bought his first DSLR.
    It’s a great starting point for guys like him. Wish I’d knew there was also a bundled version….

    Keep up the good work and greetings from a sunny Holland!

  5. Hey Scott,
    As you know, I am lucky enough to have you sign a couple of books for me in person. That book does look really cool.
    I figure if you put your endorsement on something, it must be good. I will surely be here tomorrow morning reading away.
    Thanks for all you do for us, Really!

  6. Allready got your 3 books in English (just last week). Reads easy enough for me, so no Dutch translation needed here.

    You have some strange advises for landscape photography in my opinion. I’m just a starting amature (would I buy your books when I was a pro?), but I always have been told not to use your lens at apperatures smaller than f/16 due to diffraction limitations. To my big surprise your book tells us to use f/22 or even higher. That would create a very soft image or am I wrong?

  7. Re:CS5
    I was this close to buying Photoshop CS4. I would still like to buy it now to start learning Photoshop, but wondering if I would get any kind of price break on CS5. How has Adobe handled this in the past? If I wait until the official announcement of CS5 to buy CS4, would I gain anything in terms of upgrading to CS5?

    1. I don’t actually have any knowledge of the pricing or actual release date, but with a week to go, I would wait.

      There is usually an upgrade path from one version to another but that still means paying for a full version of CS4 and then paying again to upgrade.

      I would wait until the announcement but in the meantime, you can get the free trial of CS4

      go here: http://www.adobe.com/downloads/ and get the trial version which will then let you learn and practice until after the April 12 announcement at which time you can make a better informed decision.

      Hope that helps

  8. Scott – is this CS5 announcement just a product announcement or are they going to actually release it for sale? I have heard October is when its available for purchase? Im about to upgrade to CS4, but not sure I should?

      1. Hey Chase – It’s actually not done on this site, so don’t feel bad! You can register at http://gravatar.com and any time you leave a comment that requires your email address, your picture should show up.

  9. Congratulations to Ties for winning the book!

    Speaking of Frank Doorhof… didn’t you promise us a review of his DVDs you bought in The Netherlands? ;-) I know… you’ve been very busy. Just had to try… :-)

  10. Hi Scott,

    I got your 1st and 3rd edition, and still in for the 2nd edition. So now I’m confronted with this beautiful special edition… Care for a trade with your 4th copy?

    Marc ;-)

  11. Still having rouble accessing Terry’s site. Keep getting a message in IE8 that the site has been determined to be unsafe. Anyone else having this issue ?
    I have been following Terry from Day one and starting to miss my daily check of his stuff.

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The iPad’s Here—Now What Do Photographer’s Do About It?

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It’s Guest Blog Wednesday featuring Frank Doorhof!