This past weekend I uncovered a problem with how your comments to specific posts are being handled. I don’t moderate your comments before they are posted (your comments should appear as soon as your write them), however we do have a very necessary spam filter that keeps tons of spam comments from being posted (and yes there are actually thousands caught by that filter each month!).
Anyway, for some reason it has been taking a lot of your legitimate comments and flagging them as spam, and this weekend I was shocked to find that literally hundreds of your comments were “Awaiting Moderation.” Of course, I immediately went and released them all, and we’re working on a fix, but in the meantime I wanted to apologize for your comments being delayed. Your comments are very important to me (I read each and every one), and to the community we’ve built here, so thanks for your patience as we get this worked out.
Until we do have this worked out, I’ll be checking the list numerous times each day to make sure your comments do get posted.
All my best,