Here’s a quick look at what’s up:
- Our buddy Jim Dalrymple (over at, has put together a great piece on Adobe’s 25th anniversary, with a look back at their amazing history, how they got where they are, their relationship with Apple, and where they’re going in the future. It’s a great read, so check it out right here.
- Want to do something really important today? Stop what you’re doing, and go right now and back up all the digital photos on your computer. It’ll probably take you 10 minutes to back them up to an external hard drive, but trust me–one day you’ll be really, really amazingly glad you did.
- NikSoftware has a pretty nice online newsletter that they publish monthly, and it includes some news, tutorials on their products, they feature a photographer each issue, and overall it’s very nicely done. Definitely worth a look by clicking here.
- Just a reminder; I’m bringing my Lightroom Live Tour to the Tampa Convention Center on Tuesday, October 30th. Hope you can join me there! (Here’s the link with all the details).
- My buddy Jeff Revell let me try out his digital camera GPS unit (which he read about on Moose’s News Blog), when we were shooting last week in DC, and I have to say; it’s pretty sweet. It’s called the N2 di-GPS mini (I know; nice name) from Dawn Technology, Ltd and it’s designed to work with Nikon digital cameras.Here’s what I like about it; you don’t need any additional software—it just embeds your current GPS coordinates right into your image’s metadata at the moment you press the shutter button. Then you can see view this GPS data in programs like Lightroom. It’s super lightweight, it doesn’t have any moving parts; the cable plug-ins into your external flash input, and it slides right into your hot shoe mount. Here’s the link with more info (Thanks to Jeff for letting me try it out; and thanks to Moose for turning Jeff onto it. Small world, eh?).
Well kids, my work here is done. By the time you read this we’re already winging our way to the great state of Montana for my GAPW Glacier National Park photography workshop. I’ll be reporting from there, but they’re two hours behind Florida, so my posts will probably go up a little later than usual. Have a great Wednesday, folks!