Westcott Releases The New Bigger, Badder, Brighter Spiderlite TD-6

I did a quick video about my first shoot with the just announced new Westcott Spiderlite TD-6s. If you’ve got two minutes and 16 seconds, check it out (I interrupt the shoot briefly to show you the difference between the old TD5-s and the new TD-6s and it will be instantly clear what’s new).

For more on the TD-6s, visit Westcott’s site. Also, if you’re not following Westcott on Facebook, you oughta. They always have cool stuff going on, or info on lighting techniques, giveaways, and stuff like that. Here’s the link.

P.S. Terry White did an in-depth review of the TD-6s over at his Tech Blog Here’s that link. While we’re having a link-fest. Here’s another (I’m not sure where it goes). ;-)

  1. Scott, could you tell us your camera settings while taking those shots? Are the TD6s bright enough to handhold your camera, or are you still having to use your tripod?

    I’m wondering also if these would be good for using with DSLR video.

  2. Scott, does this mean the Elinchrom’s go into the dumpster behind the office? :D

    These TD6’s really put out a nice light. Got a lot of nice pictures at the Westcott booth during PSW when they introduced these.


  3. Hi Scott,

    Great video. Someday I’d like to set up my own studio at home, but that’s a dream that is a ways away.

    I have an unrelated question: Where can I get the Canon Close-up lens you talk about in your Digital Photography Book Vol. 1? I’ve searched a few places on the web, but it’s out of stock. Is there a newer model that is out that is better? I can’t afford a macro lens just yet, but I’d like to get a good quality close up lens for my Nikon D-5000 18-55 mm lens (52mm size).

    Are the macro filter kits any good? Can you recommend a good one? Thanks.


  4. Hi Scott,

    I am writing a research paper on photography lighting for my last college project before graduation. I have a couple of your books and love your work. Would it be possible to email you a few questions? I would love to include you in my paper.

    Thank you so much!

  5. Or if you’re on a tight budget (like me), you might consider these:

    I purchased a kit and to have 1800W from a light is insane! It’s not the build of a Wescott, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a great starter package. There’s other kits available too if you search ePhoto on Amazon.


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