If you use Lightroom Classic, you just read that headline, and your answer wasn’t “In the last week or two” or perhaps even worse, “I can’t remember when I last backed it up,” then let’s do it right now!!!
While backing up your catalog is easy, first, you might want to know why you need to back up your Lightroom catalog and then how to do it, step-by-step. So, first read this below from my other blog, LightroomKillerTips.com:
After reading that, you might ask, “Where should that backup be stored?” So, read this:
Are You Backing Up Your Lightroom Catalog To The Right Place?
NOTE: If you’re already backing up your catalog regularly, check my post about freeing up a bunch of space by throwing your old, outdated catalog backups away. Here’s that link.
OK, that’s the plan — stop what you’re doing; back up your Lightroom Classic catalog, and you’ll sleep better tonight because of it (well, it’s certainly possible).
Have a great “backed-up feelin’ Monday,” and don’t forget to catch “Travel Tuesdays with Dave” here on the blog tomorrow. :)
P.S. Don’t forget, B&H Photo’s OPTIC 2022 outdoor, travel, and wildlife conference kicks off in just a few days – you can attend this multi-day event either in person, or all online, for FREE – just RSVP to let ’em know you’re attending, and you’re all set, ’cause registration is free, free, free!!! Here’s the link.