Winners of tickets to Matt’s Lightroom Seminar

Okey Dokey, folks — it’s the rare Sunday blog post — this time to announce the winner’s of tickets to Matt Kloskowski’s Lightroom 5 Live! Tour. Here are the cities and the winners:

Covington, Kentucky: 
Ray Justice, Kenneth Ely

Richmond, Virginia:
Johnnie Abbott,  Elisa Anderson
Houston, Texas:
James Prechel,  Kim Ellis
Los Angeles, California:
R. Dennis Crawford,  Kathy Flynn
If you didn’t win, tickets are still available for these cities right here. 
My first tour stop of the year (for my “Shoot Like a Pro” tour) is coming up in Tampa, Florida on Friday, Feb 21st. Then I’m off to Atlanta three days later, then Phoenix in March. Hope I’ll see you in person at one of those cities. 
Congrats to the winners — you are going to have an amazing day of learning! :)
P.S. I’m off to shoot the Cowboys/Eagles game today in Dallas. Should be an amazing game! :)
  1. Thanks Scott for this win. I can’t wait to learn from one of the best LR teachers. Scott, how do I get in touch with your assistant, Susan, about how I receive the winning ticket to Matt’s LR5 live tour in Covington, Ky. I am not sure how this works once I win…
    Thanks Scott, and I am proud to be one, a member, but one never knows, learning from the best may find myself contributing to Kelbyone one day….

  2. Is there any chance you’ll be giving away any more tickets to the Houston, TX seminar? I would really really love to go to this! I have learned so much from Scott Kelby’s Lightroom 5 book so far I would love to learn more in person as I am much more of a visual learner. Thank you so much!

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