So….,whattayadoing this weekend? Why don’t you come and join around 20,000+ photographers around the world having fun, making friends, and taking millions of pictures?
We’re just 5 days away (it’s this Saturday) so head over to the official site and see if there’s a photo walk set-up near you (if you haven’t checked in a while, it’s worth checking again – we have photo walk organized in over 1,000 cities around the world. Plus, it’s free; you’ve got a chance at some amazing prizes, you’ll take lots of photos, and you’ll just have just a ton of fun.
I’m off to Venice, Italy to lead a local walk there Saturday – my first time back in Venice since 2008, and I’ve dreamed of going back for years, so I’m really psyched. I’ll be posting images to my Instagram and Facebook accounts – I hope you’ll follow me there.
See you here tomorrow for a Photo Walk update! :)
P.S. If you’re signed up for the walk, make sure you check your inbox for an email from us with more tips created for our walkers on how to get awesome images on your walk.
Scott, thank you for this beautiful new Lightroom CC book. It is giving me almost everything to use the Lightroom program. Do you recommend any Book-printing program that allows borderless pages (which Blurb does not)?
Hey, I’m really psyched for this one. Photowalk day just happens to fall on the day we are traveling through Amsterdam on the way to Tanzania for a photo safari. So I signed up for a photowalk there led by none other than the awesome Frank Doorhof!
Just wrapped a 30 minute live show in Louisville KY on WAVE 3 TV. Talked a lot about The WorldWidePhotoWalk, and the benefitting Springs Hope Orphanage in Kenya. The host Dawne Gee was great!