Yesterday, when I woke up and checked my email, I saw where the New York Times had done a piece on my new iPad App called “Scott Kelby’s Photo Recipes” (it’s totally free), and I was on Cloud 9 (had no idea they were doing that until I saw it in my inbox). [Here’s the link]
Then I get an email from Shawn Welch, our IOS developer and fellow Call of Duty [SNOW] Clan player that featured it yesterday as their “Gizmodo App of the day.” Seriously, I’m blacking out! ;-) [here’s the link].
You can find it on the App store for iPad. Did I mention it’s free? :)
Thanks to the Times and to Gizmodo for featuring the App (and thanks to Shawn Welch for totally kicking butt in creating it). We are seriously psyched! :-)
I saw that all over twitter tonight (the media you don’t car for) :)
Sorry, thats “care”. I need to go to bed.
Ken, I actually like Twitter quite a bit (and I’m on there every day). I don’t like (at all) the 140 character limit. If they fixed that (well, that and making photos show up without having to click on them), I’d be one happy camper. :)
Congrats! That must be a cool feeling :)
I found one on the Android Market from Pearson Education NA, but it’s 19.99. Is this the same app? Is there plans for an Android version? I have the Asus transformer Prime and I’m dying to get this app. Does the Ipad version work on the Iphone, too? or just Ipad?
That’s not the same App. That’s “Photo Recipes” which is training DVD converted into an App. Totally different. Look for “Lighting Recipes.” Also, it’s an iPad-only App.
Congrats, I downloaded the day it released. Best $0 I’ve spent on an iPad app :) You and Kelby team put out some awesome content.
I would LOVE to have access to this app on my iphone. I would be happy to pay for it.
That was certainly…”Quite a Day Monday” :)
Congrats Scott
People do tend to share awesome things! I downloaded your app recently and LOVE IT.
The app is great! I love it and your knowledge. Is there a chance that the other kelby apps might go on sale? I saw they were on sale in march but I missed out. Thanks!
They will definitely be on sale again, soon. Keep an eye out here on the blog. :)
AWESOME!!! Thanks Scott!!! You are the best!
The app’s not free in the UK. £13.99 (approx USD 22)
There’s a difference between “Photo Recipes” and “Lighting Recipes”. Just search for Scott Kelby and you’ll find it :-)
Hey Scott,
Congratulations on the NY Times and Gizmodo articles! Just a suggestion. It might be helpful to have references like the “Scott Kelby’s Photo Recipes” iPad App and the “Gizmodo App of the day” article linked to the actual url’s where you mention them. I had to hunt around some to find the link for the app and would have been more helpful to be able to click on a link directly from your page. Great stuff, though and so glad to hear how well your material is doing.
Hi Dennis. Well that was huge oversight wasn’t it? (That’s what happens when I post really late at night). Thanks for the heads up — I added both links. Much appreciated. :)
Love the free lighting app was awesome espcially from someone just learning to do things more off camera i hope in time i will be able to afford kelby training as i see that as the next big thing love your work and i love lighroom 4 to. Wnd thinking about silver fx from nik software thats another on the list thanks again
Hey, some of us have Android phones, you heard of android have you.:-)
Colin — it’s not available for phones on any platform.
Hey, some of us have Android Tablets, you heard of Android have you? Companies like Sony, Toshiba, Motorola, Samsung, and Philips have heard of Android.
Colin — it’s not available for phones on any platform.
Scott u d man! Pure AWESOMENESS Eagerly waiting for your other tutorials on sale
Good app
Finally we got an iPad in our family, and this app was one of the first dad here, downloaded :-) Highly appreciated. (Light it magazine will follow today)