Yet Even More ‘Photoshop Buried Treasure’ – this time, it’s ‘The Image Processor’

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could take a folder of images (RAW images, TIFF images, etc.) and have Photoshop automatically convert that folder of images into any formats you like (PSDs, TIFFs, JPEGS or all three at the same time), and while it’s doing it, how about having it run the Photoshop Action of your choice, and even embed a color profile for the Web, and your copyright info? That would be cool, right?

Here’s how to unleash this unholy power! (it’s not really unholy — that was just added for dramatic effect because, after all, this is just a script running in the background doing fancy stuff you can’t see).

See, that was cooler than it sounded, right?

OK, guess where I’m going? 
If you guessed either:

Nashville (Friday, July 28th)
> Richmond (Wednesday, July 26th)
> Los Angeles (Monday, August 14th)
> Seattle (Friday, August 18th)
> San Francisco (Wednesday, August 16th)

You were right on the money!

I’ll be in those cities teaching my Lightroom On Tour full day seminar, and I want you to come out. How much do I want you to come out? Well, enough that I made a 1-minute, 8-second video to tell you all the cool stuff you will learn (and it’s plenty!). Here’s the link with all the details (but watch that video first).

OK, makes you want to come and join me right? Right! Let’s do this! :)  Hope I’ll get to meet you in person in one of those cities.

Have a kick-butt Tuesday! (if there is such a thing). ;-)



P.S. Tomorrow is “Blind Photo Critique” day on The Grid. Our category is “Portraits” and we’ll have Hungarian retoucher Viktor Fejes as my in-studio guest (here’s here recording some classes for KelbyOne – he is awesome!). Here’s the link to submit your portrait images. 

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