CocaCola Zero (which is, IMHO, the best diet drink in the history of diet drinks), has a very clever Flash-based productivity killer, which lets you upload your headshot, scale and crop it, then it puts it on the body of an football player (as seen above). Then you get to custom design an End Zone celebratory victory dance. It’s called the Victory Dance Choreographer, and it’s hilarious, very cleverly done, and when it’s complete (it just takes one minute), you can email the final dance movie to a friend. Take a minute or two and check this out. Just for the taste of it. ;-) Here’s the link to make your own.
Your Own Custom “End Zone” Victory Dance [very cute]
Scott Kelby Author
Scott is a Photographer, bestselling Author, Host of "The Grid" weekly photography show; Editor of Photoshop User magazine; Lightroom Guy; CEO; struggling guitarist. Loves Classic Rock and his arch-enemy is Cilantro. Devoted husband, dad to two super awesome kids, and pro-level babysitter to two crazy doggos.