Here are seven more of my favorite Photoshop keyboard shortcuts — ones I use every day in my work and I hope you find them useful in yours. Here goes:

To move your current layer up one layer (in the layer stack), press Command-] (Windows: Ctrl-]). To move it down a layer in the stack, press Command-[ (Windows: Ctrl-[). N

When you have the Crop tool, you can press the letter “x” to flip the orientation of the crop from wide to tall (or vice versa)

To fill the current layer with your Foreground color, press Option-Delete (Windows: Alt-Backspace). This works if you have a selection in place, too.

To Hide everything and just show your image on

When you’re zoomed in tight on an image, hold the Spacebar down and your cursor temporarily changes to the Hand tool so you can click and drag your image around, rather than using the scroll bars which don’t work well when you’re zoomed in.

To create a new blank layer, press Shift-Option-Command-N (Windows: Shift-Alt-Ctrl-N). This is a really handy one — start using it now and it’ll be 2nd nature in two weeks.

To move a selection as you’re drawing it, hold the spacebar and you can reposition it as you drag. This is better than it sounds — try selecting something in your image that’s round, then try this trick. Pretty awesome, right? :)
Hope you found those helpful. 🙂
You keep sayin’…
…that one of these days you’re going to go to the Photoshop World Conference. Why not this year? If you register now you can save $100 with the Early Bird discount, plus right now you can snag a hotel room right at the Hyatt Regency (our host hotel) at a special discount rate for attendees. Plus, airfares are cheap to Orlando now. Come on, say it with me — “This is the year. I’m going!” All the details are at PhotoshopWorld.com
One more thing…
I’ve got 5 handy tips for making photo books in Lightroom Classic thanks to the new features that were added in a recent update – it’s over on my daily Lightroom blog, LightroomKillerTips.com. Here’s the link if you’ve got a sec. 🙂
Have a great Monday, everybody!