Hi Gang: Just a quick update from Los Angeles where I just spent an amazing day with entertainment photographer Jeremy Cowart shooting two live on-location classes for KelbyTraining.com
I always feel like, if I take a class and I learn even one new thing, it was totally worth it. We were only about 30 minutes into Jeremy’s first class and I had already learned half a dozen new things. I was blown away! By the time the class was over, my head was swimming with new ideas, and things I just had never thought of. I called my wife at the end the day and here’s exactly what I told her:
“I learned more about photography today than I have in the past year!”
I’m not kidding. We filmed both classes in the same documentary style as our online class “A Day With Jay Maisel” but rather than doing a photo walk, instead we did a series of live location portrait shots in Venice Beach, California with Jeremy doing the shoots live with the cameras rolling, and I’m there asking him the same questions that I’d have if I were watching the class online. I also took your questions live via Twitter while we were shooting, and we had Jeremy answer your questions all day long during the shoots.
Two things I loved about these classes:
(1) Like Jay’s class, it wasn’t as much about the technical stuff (though he did share lots of settings all day long), but instead it was about the creativity, the vision, how to find and work locations, and how to get 10 different looks from one small area. And…
(2) He kept the lighting simple—using either just natural light or one flash with a small softbox, or a reflector. That’s it. What he got out of this simple set-up is just stunning, and you see exactly why he’s in such demand by TV networks, movies, big record companies, and celebrities.
Anyway, I had an amazing, eye-opening, exciting, and totally exhausting day, and now I’m beat, and headed back home with my crew, but man—what a day! One I won’t forget (and I can’t wait to try out all the new stuff I learned).
Thanks Jeremy—I can’t wait until these classes go live!
I have enjoyed the class with Jay very much and I am so much looking forward to watch Jeremys class! This is a great way of learning.
I loved the Jay Maisel class… when is this one expected to go live?
Hi Daithi:
When I called Matt from the shoot and told him how amazing the class was, he agreed that we need to move this one’s release date up a lot, so hopefully we’ll see it in just a few weeks (it takes a while to edit all that footage).
Dear mr. Kelby
I read your (written with mr. White) I-Phonebook.
Finally a good and comprehensive guide for a computer nitwit.
But 1 question left (of course) :
How to dial someone’s number during a telephone conversation?
Somehow the number, just dialled, disappears after ending the conversation.
Can you bail me out?
Jaap Goes
Sounds like a must see!
Have you considered buying your own jet, Scott? I don’t think I know anyone who spends as much time in the air as you do (and is still so grounded — pun intended). Certainly, there can’t be anyone who flies as much as you, yet still accomplishes so darn much. Now that’d be a book for you to write!
Trev J.
Scott, You need to take a look at a photog named John Russo. He shoots the “stars” and man is he good. I’d love to see you hook up with him for an on line course. Here’s the link.http://www.johnrussophoto.com/#a=0&at=0&mi=1&pt=0&pi=1&s=0&p=-1
Anxiously awaiting! Great concept!
Is there something wrong with the comments section this week? I see that an earlier comment disappeared (as someone mentioned yesterday) and my comments are not getting through, despite repeated attempts.
Trev J.
Hi Trev:
Sorry ’bout that. I don’t know what’s wrong with the Comments engine, but it’s obviously something. I’ll have the web team take a look at it.
I second the motion. This has been going on (for me at least) for a few weeks now. I had feared it was just me…maybe it still is. ;)
I thought it was just me…happened to me several times the other day as well.
It goes through just very slow.
Can’t wait for these to go live! Hopefully I will be able to watch them on my iPad by then!???
It’s going to be hard to beat Jay Maisel vidio :) . I can’t wait to see this one!
“He kept the LIGHTNING simple” … that is good. Keeps from zapping your gear…or models. :)
Looking forward to it.
When I read that Jeremy was doing a Kelby Training class, I almost flipped outta my seat! To say that I’m excited would be the understatement of the century. Really looking forward to this class. I’d agree that moving the release date up is a good idea too.
You’ve got me excited. That’s the way I like to shoot on location, so I should get a lot out of it!
Hope can watch it before my regular and fast inet is gone for 6 month…
The thing I got from the class with Jay Maisel and seemingly with Jeremy Cowart is not so much the technical aspects of photography, which is important, but learning what drives us to be creative and the various thoughts and ideas or even the philosophy about capturing an image. Maisel made me look at photography in a whole new light and as a student, it’s always great when the lightbulb goes off in your head – not only because you think differently, but it adds some fill flash just above the camera.
Absolutely Tom!
I’m really excited about this one scott!
I’m excited but afraid my head is going to explode!! If YOUR learning so much in this class how am I going to handle all this info?! :)
Can’t wait Scott & Thanks!
Really looking forward to this class. I love the conceptual stuff that you have been doing. It’s really inspiring! Keeps me going and helps me push forward in my career as a freelance photographer/digital artist. Dude, Kelby Training rocks, never lets me down. If you could get this class up sooner than later, that would be spectacular. Tell the Scriv to quit slackin’ :)
I’m really glad you decided to escalate production/editing on this video. Can’t wait to see it.
Can you give us a little teaser with one great thing you learned? Thanks and I’m looking forward to see the video go up.
WOW, really looking forward to it Scott. Thanks for going to such great effort to leverage great talent to help us all improve our game. T
Jeremy is an awesome creative photographer. His blog is full with highly creative photographs. Can’t wait for this online class!
I’m a subscriber to your blog feed, but I only discovered the KelbyTraining.com website after quite a few months. It seems it’s not much advertised here, inside blog posts (or maybe is just me being crazy). Hey, here’s a suggestion: market the training site more here in blog posts (since many people are using a feed reader and can’t see other icons on the site on a daily basis).
It’s so nice to see our ::sniff:: Jeremy ::sniff: finally getting a break! :-)
Nashville, TN
I can’t wait. I’m a huge fan of Jeremy’s work.
Can’t. Wait.
Looking forward to it. I love the classes that are done on a shoot. The photoshop classes are great, but seeing how someone works through a session is so much more educational.
Oh got my copy of PS5 for photographers in the mail yesterday. Haven’t had time to dive into it but I know as always its going to be great. I’ve already skimmed it and found a half dozen tips that I’m going to have and try.
I’ve been in the commercial side of photography for 15 yrs and I remember how other shooters wouldn’t ever want you to see their working studios or see what or how they were doing certain styles of shots! Everyone had to figure it out for themselves! I’m glad those days have seemed to pass…, except I was shooting on a job last month that had several photographers working together and I was doing behind the scenes happy snaps and this one shooter jumped up- put his hand in my face and said, “don’t take pictures of my set, I’m serious!” So, I guess there are still a few around…
These new hanging out/bts video classes are great, because it’s kind of like assisting without having to lift anything! Also, because you can learn by observing a working shooter and also getting input from them all the while. Great job on the new style of class! Can’t wait to check it out!
No lie!
Yea I’m really looking forward to this. Recently you published some awsome things on Kelbytraining, seems like it’s going on :)
Jay Maisel’s video “training” was more a “video inspiration” to me. Honestly, I was blown away by that man. I also liked the way Scott paid tribute to Jay during the training, almost like a master & servant kind of relationship :) Unfortunately, I can’t afford the $5k personal training he offers down in Manhattan.
I’m really looking forward to the new trainings with Jeremy. Another rare opportunity to look over the shoulders of a Master.
That’s awesome, I love that Jeremy Cowart is gonna be a part of the KelbyTraining!
Looking forward to watching the “show”.
Thank you for having him.
Thank you Scott. I have both LR3 and Aperture 3.
I have been going back and forth not sure which
one to just use. Well after reading your wises for
LR3 I know now just to stay with Aperture 3 and learn that program in depth.
The brushes are so much better in Aperture 3 and it’s like a mini Photo Shop. The Curves and Levels in Aperture 3 rock. Also the books the easy email slide show soft proofing . Man your right LR 3 still has a long way to go. Love all you do for us.
The only thing I really wish for Aperture 3 is better noise reduction and I hear it coming soon. Well thanks again.
Thank you Scott. I have both LR3 and Aperture 3.
I have been going back and forth not sure which
one to just use. Well after reading your wishes for
LR3 I know now just to stay with Aperture 3 and learn that program in depth.
The brushes are so much better in Aperture 3 and it’s like a mini Photo Shop. The Curves and Levels in Aperture 3 rock. Also the books the easy email slide show soft proofing . Man your right LR 3 still has a long way to go. Love all you do for us.
The only thing I really wish for Aperture 3 is better noise reduction and I hear it coming soon. Well thanks again.
Sorry for the type-o
I absolutely love these ‘A Day with classes’ There is nothing like it on the internet, please keep them coming Sir Kelby!
jeremy is the man. top notch photog both creatively and technically. can’t wait to watch this one.
jeremy is the man. top notch photog, not just technically, but creatively. his work is incredible and an inspiration.
can’t wait to catch this one.