A Great Day in Dallas! Next Stop: Washington D.C.





A big thanks to everybody who joined me for the Dallas stop on my “Photoshop CS4 for Digital Photographers” tour. We had a blast that day, and saw lots of old friends (Mike, Big Daddy Don, Austin Mann, and even Frank Cricchio was there), and as always, made a few new ones, too! (photos above by Dave Gales and Jeff Leimbach)

My next seminar stop with this tour is in Washington D.C. on Monday, March 1st, and I hope you can join me there, because I’ve got some way cool stuff to share with you. Here’s the link with all the details. See you in D.C.!

    1. Roger, I am in Kansas City and drove to Dallas for the event. Worth it completely until I got stuck there from the weather. LOL. Was wondering the same thing though, or if we would get some of the other tours here as I would love to take some of the other classes.

    1. Well, for starters, there’s no time to try to keep up with Scott or any other instructor by working along on your laptop.

      All your notes will be in a book that you get before the show starts…if you want to add some notes i believe there are room in the margin for just that.

      If I was to pay around $100+ for the entry fee, hotel, gas, etc. I would give the instructor my full attention.

      Lastly, and i think most importantly, is that you would disturb the people sitting next you if you were to use your laptop during the session.
      I have been to a couple seminars, and there are lots that bring the laptop with them. But most of them only comes out during the intermission. There is no other time to use it really.
      I hope that answers your question.

      1. I agree with disturbing folks. I have been to 4 of the seminars (Cross,Wilmore,etc) and I have seen people trying to type everthing the speaker says. With the lights down the bright screen alone is disturbing.

      2. Totally agree too. There is just no time, he is really fast and so it is best to just pay attention and hold on to your seat. LOL. It was great though.

  1. Scott, you were in ARLINGTON, TX at the ARLINGTON Convention Center across the street from the DALLAS COWBOYS’ and TEXAS RANGERS stadiums. Confused yet? People in Arlington are usually touchy about having their town called “Dallas,” especially since the Cowboys moved here this past season. But don’t worry, I’m from the Bronx and have been here almost 30 years and they still called me a “damn Yankee.” So, if someone gets on your for the misnomer, don’t take is personally.

    You do put on a great show. I really enjoyed your presentation. I went to Ben Wilmore’s workshop in the same place in 2005 and that was equally as good.

  2. Let me share my thoughts from the “event”. I had a high school history teacher who delivered his lectures in the Ferris Bullers Day Off monotone. I hated that class and history. In college I had a history class where the professor’s lecture delivery was pure theater. Best class I took at the university and I learned a tremendous amount. Scott the energy and your method of the presentation made me LOVE this “subject”. Thanks for coming to Arlington. Steve

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