What an amazing day!!!! Over 1,500 photographers (capacity) at the B&H Photo event in person — literally thousands more watching the live stream from literally all over the world — Adobe was there, including the new Lightroom Product manager Sharad Mangalick, who was answering questions all day, one-on-one from attendees at the event — and I’m training alongside Adobe Evangelist Julieanne Kost and The Photoshop Diva herself, Katrin Eismann. What a blast! :)
Lots of learning. Lots of laughs. Lots of Lighting. Lots of Lightroom. Canon was there. Sony was there. Elinchrom, Square Space and Westcott, too (among others). That’s (L to R above): Yours truly, Katrin, and Julieanne during the opening session showing off some cool Lightroom 5 stuff.
I’ll tell the rest in the captions, but all morning we shared Lightroom tips, new features, news techniques, and so on. Then after lunch I did a live shoot, and then passed the images off to Katrin & Julieanne to do some retouching and finishing effects (they wound up doing a Twilight effect).
Above: We had a team put together to work with our model for the shoot. Here’s a shot from backstage with makeup artist Cassi Renee and hair stylist Eric Williams. The shoot was styled by Sophia Batson (not shown here, and darn if I could even find a shot with Sophia in the frame, but she is truly awesome! Fourth time I’ve worked with Sophia — she is wonderful to work with it and very talented).
Above: Our staging area was a small empty meeting room right next to the ballroom where the class was taking place, and at lunch time we did a quick test shoot to test the lighting, and go over with the model what we’d be doing on stage in about 30 minutes from then. That’s photographer David Teng helping us out as 2nd assistant and behind me is photographer Jason Joseph who was our third assistant on the shoot. By the way: I did have breakfast available for the entire crew (anyone that watched last week’s episode of “The Grid” will know why).
I’m shooting a Canon 5D Mark III here (Canon was the major sponsor of the event, so they gave me the Mark III to use for the live shoot. Sweet camera!)
Above: Here’s an over-the-shoulder view of our model Caroline, who did a really terrific job! After a few test shots, we broke everything down; moved it out to the stage for the live shoot in front of the class.
Above: Ya know what’s stressful? Doing a live shoot in front of 1,500 New York photographers. Oh yeah, want to take it up a notch? Standing in the back of the room — Joe McNally. Cue the sweat!
Above: Here’s a Lightroom grid of some of the shot from the live shoot in front of the class.
Above: Lightroom 5 has a feature (which I showed earlier in the day) that lets you visualize any type of cover design, brochure cover, photo book cover , etc., as an overlay right within Lightroom, so I took one of the images; did the retouching myself (more of a straight-up fashion retouch), and did the cover mock-up you see here.
Above: Here’s the un-cropped shot used on the cover, just so you can see it without all the text.
Above: Here’s the view from backstage (behind the seamless, Julieanne and Katrin wait patiently for the shoot part to conclude and then I hand them a hard drive with the images on it for them to “do their thing”). Just one light — an Elinchrom BRX 500 strobe with an Elinchrom Rotalux 53″ Midi Octa Softbox, and David is holding a 5-in-1 Westcott reflector to kick a little light back into her eyes. We’re shooting tethered directly into Lightroom 5, and my live shooting rig uses a utility bar from Manfrotto mounted on a tripod, and then the platform itself and orange USB cable are from Tethertools.com
Above: I’m including another backstage shot so you can see the shooting rig, and lighting set-up a little clearer.
It was a Lightroom love-fest!
Everybody I talked with was over-the-top in love with Lightroom, and there was a great vibe going all day. If you missed the live event, B&H Photo will be posting the entire summit online for free so you can go and watch it any time (as soon as its posted, I’ll post a link here, and over on my Facebook and Twitter accounts).
A big thanks to David Brommer from B&H Photo who put this entire event together (you rocked it, dude!). Plus, thanks to all the wonderful crew at B&H Photo, including our dear friend Manny Steigman (best guy ever!). They did an awesome job!
Also, it was a honor to share the stage with both Katrin and Julieanne who not only put up with my lame jokes, but who both taught me some new Lightroom tricks as well, which is always sweet! Thanks to all our fantastic sponsors, and to everybody who came down to the Javits Center yesterday, and who watched the streamed live event at home. We’re all lucky to be using and learning Lightroom together, and we’re very fortunate to have a partner like B&H Photo who values education like they do, and who makes live events like this possible.
Cheers, and hope to see you all again soon!
Hi Scott, where can I find the “overlay” feature in Lightroom 5? Thanks.
Go to the Library module, under the View menu, under Loupe Overlay, and select “Choose Layout Image.” Of course to keep transparency the file needs to have a transparent background and be saved in .PNG format. I covered all this in the class, so watch the rebroadcast.
Hi Scott, can’t wait for the rebroadcast
Looks like it was awesome! I’ll be sure to watch the taped show at a later date.
Wish I could have been there. Some of my favorite sessions from the last PSW were Katrin and Julianne’s Lightroom sessions.
Hey Scott,
Thanks for posting this! I missed the first 4-hours due to honey do list! :-) I’m glad they are posting this on the web site so I can catch your stuff. Looks like you all had a Ball!
Looking forward to learning about Lightroom 5. I’m still using Lightroom 3. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the video. Thanks.
Had to look twice….but Kelby with a Canon? Wow…..hell a little cold today? ;)
I got to see bits of the event yesterday and it was fantastic. Was the entire event recorded? Is there a way for us working hacks to see the entire event? Hats off to you all and to B&H!
Very cool event. Can you post the rebroadcast link? Do you know when the rebroadcast will be posted?
Thanks as always.
I spoke yesterday with Dave Brommer who put the event together…he said a couple of weeks. :)
Holy crap, it’s The End for sure :)
(Gives him a better appreciation) :)
In reference to Canon, that is.
Strange that at an event yesterday sponsored by Adobe that not one mention was made all day about the release of Photoshop CC today. I went over to the NAPP site to learn about it and not a mention of it there either. Que pasa?
Oh by the way, sorry Scott, I like the girls “Twilight” version better :-)
Just got through reading Terry White’s blog on the CC updates released. While I realize that a CC install shouldn’t overwrite the “purchased” version of software, the plugins in PSCS6 should be ported over to PSCC. The fact that it doesn’t could be a deal breaker come judgement day.. Can the “Guys and Girl” provide instructions on porting over without going through the vendor install software? LR5 Trial picked up my plugins (including Matt’s Develop add-ins) from LR5 beta. Will LR CC pick up the plugins from LR5? Thanks….
ps. the 7/31 deadline for the $9.99 version of PS CC is quickly approaching. Any idea on when Adobe will make a bundle announcement or at all?
Just copy/paste them from Cs6 plugin folder. I moved Nik, OnOne, Topaz, Anthropics and Athentech Imaging plug ins without any issues or re-installing. All preset brushes, patterns etc move automatically.
And with Lr5 all presets like Matt’s move when you upgrade.
Are you planning on writing a LR5 book? I want to work more efficient with LR, but buying the LR4 book feels not smart.
Hi Cor: It’s already written, and it’s at the printers. :)
Thanks Scott (and team)!
I’ve had a chance in the past to work with Sharad and he’s fantastic. Working with him always reminds me that the Lightroom team are photographers first, and it’s easy to feel that from the app. Thanks for this post and everything you do, Scott!