That’s right—we’ve been developing an iPad App since the iPad was announced by Apple, and soon Kelby Training Online subscribers will be able to watch Kelby Training Classes right on their iPads.
We’re still putting some finishing touches on it, but it won’t be long now, and now that I’ve seen for myself what can be done on an iPad, I’m really excited about how we’ll be able to deliver our training (and of course this app is just the beginning).
Keep an eye out here on the blog and I’ll let you know when it’s released (and of course, I’ll have lots more details then).
So, no plans for. An iPhone version? Not cool.
It should work on both. :)
Awesome! Can’t wait! No plans to get an iPad just yet, but I’ve been eager for an iPhone solution.
I second Alans Sweet!!!!!!!!
Welcome news, Scott. Many thanks. Having just subscribed to Kelby Training Online AND having just spent two days with my new iPad — can you say “hooked”? — I’m thrilled to hear it.
Excellent news, thanks Scott & crew.
But let’s be fair…the iPhone version should have been here sooner! ;-)
GREAT news!!! Seriously exciting!
wow! this is great!
just curious – did you guys have to re-encode all your videos since you’re using flash now?
also, will you make an app available for this and will we pay extra for the app?
I knew you guys would embrace this technology head on. This is one of the reasons why I have the 3G iPad on order!!! Way to go!!!
That great news. This will keep me as a loyal customer.
Will the app actually download the content to the iPad or just stream it from the web site? In other words can one view the content when not connected to the ‘net through WiFi?
Would love to be able to download to iPad, ie like I can podcasts, music, video etc. to be viewed offline. Not always going to have a WiFi connection, ie in work etc.
To be honest I would love to be able to download to my Mac at home as the broadband connection isn’t brilliant (the UK broadband system needs a major dragging into the 21st century!) and it’s frustrating to watch a training video for a few minutes and then wait for a few minutes for it to buffer the next bit of the video.
Just think of it like your favorite TV’s show. its a cliffhanger, until the next part of the story haha.
You won’t be disappointed….
A friend of mine has been reluctant to order SK training (I’ve been working on him for some time) . Maybe he will order now. he also wondered why I ordered the wifi only Ipad. Well, I will train on this one then give it to my wife and order me another one with 3g when they are out (please don’t send an email with this comment).
A great reason to get an iPad for sure….
Another one hoping that you can download content and watch when you’re disconnected from the net.
Otherwise it’s not really an app but a glorified HTML5 page accessed through the App Store.
This is great news! Can’t wait for my 3G iPad to arrive.
Already looking forward to the UK iPad launch, now anticipation has doubled ;-)
Thank you!!! I have sent a few emails and called the 1-800 number to ask about Kelby Training and the whole flash thing and was sad when I thought that I would not be able to use the training on my iPad. But now, I couldn’t be happier. My subscription is up in May and I will be renewing. This is a great day indeed.
Any idea of the same will go for the instructional stuff on the NAPP site? I have been thinking about joining for the instructional video but was concerned about the flash issue again.
Thanks for making my and my iPad’s day!
Wonderful news. I hope it streams well over the 3G network, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Thanks for making this work.
This is great! Now I can really use my Kelby Training subscription! Ralph
You guys rock! So does Kelby Training. Whatever happened to the photographing people with Jay Maisel you spoke about a while back? I was really looking forward to that!
This is so awesome! I have been on the fence about signing up for Kelby Training for fear I wouldn’t take full advantage of it, since I’d have to be at my computer to view the lessons. With an iPad version of the training, it will be so easy to use. I’ll signup the instant it is available! Then, I’ll be able to watch training anywhere … a quick 20 minutes while eating lunch, on the stair-stepper at the gym, while waiting to get my car oil changed, or for 10 minutes in bed before going to sleep. I can’t wait to be better educated!
This is great – A more convincing reason for me to buy an ipad, sooner rather than later:-) I subscribed for a year and really enjoyed all the content and keep waiting for when I have some time to watch and learn. This will be the perfect companion for Kelby Training.
Now this is awesome! One of the reasons I held off from a pre-order of the iPad is specifically this situation. I was thinking of getting a 27″ iMac and an iPad as my travel buddy but since I watch some of the training videos with my current MBP I knew I couldn’t do that with the iPad. Now I have one more reason to spend money. :)
You gotta be kidding me right??? That’s just AWESOME!!! and the fact that it’ll work on the iPhone is doubley so.
Way to go Scott,
Great news.
ps> All I gotta do now is wait for the 2nd Gen’ version and we’re rocking!
That’s awesome!! Now I’m even more tempted to get an ipad…
Scott – While on the subject of Kelby Training, a course about creating ePub documents would be awesome: creating it with Adobe InDesign, then styling it with CSS with the iPad in mind. Our friend in Detroit was at least considering doing this; hopefully you can convince him! The information about this is scant: a few web pages, 3 videos and a couple of white papers from Adobe. IMHO, the need for this information will be HUGE as the iPad changes the way we view content. People will want to know how to self-publish for these devices.
I had my pre-ordered iPad arrived Saturday. I’ve hardly put it down since. I’m eager to show off my photos on it’s beautiful screen. And, now that ‘Kelby’s Training Videos’ will be available on it, may never put it down!!
Thanks Scott!
Thank goodness for this.
One of the first things that I did with my Ipad is to check the training web site. It didn’t work. I’m glad that you and your team can do this for us…
Not gonna add an iPad on top of my camera gear, but it’s great to be able to watch Kelby Training on iPhone when on the move.
dont mean to rain on you but I do beleive IPAD only apps will not work on the iphone, unless kelby training is being developed for both…is it? IS IT?! :O (If so android edition would be awesomesauceum! :D)
Brilliant, not only do you have another very happy punter but you just sold an ipad! Mr Jobs, be sure Scott is on your pay books! What’s the going commission?? 10% of all sales :-p
seriously, cheers! You guys rock!
What a wonderful gift from NAPP. While I am totally excited with the iPad, having this content available is just amazing. Add that to the kindle app, so that you can read the photography books, and having that kind of material at the touch of a icon, well, it just does not get much better.
I Just Photoshop-gasmed :D
Um… just a quick question here…. I’ll be able to download and watch the vids while offline, right? I’d sure hate to have to be connected all the time to watch.
We’re still working out what this means, but you will be able to make courses available offline and watchable through the app.
Will probably need to be connected to WiFi to do so (apple restricts large downloads over cellular data) and the offline courses will probably “expire” after a certain period, kindof like the way digital rental/downloads work
I am reading this on my iPad now. Does that mean I will be able to watch the podcasts (psutv and dtown) on my iPad as well without downloading them?
Doggone it. I really was trying to avoid buying an I-Pad for a while. Nice sales job Scott!
Many thanks, Scott. I thought because of the Flash dispute I could not use your services on my mac platform. As soon as iPad is launched in the UK (late May), I will be signing up for your Photoshop training. Well done staying on top of changing needs !!!
I think it is great there will be kelby training on the iPad. But when are we going to see the magazines on the iPad and with full media integration I would love to have all of them with me at all times instead of having to dig through boxes.
WIll the iPad kelby training be searh able across lessons?
I had no real interest in an iPad. However, the downloadable content (over wifi) and offline playability would make me do a 180.
Will there be any consideration to doing the same thing with a PC/Mac? I would love the ability to download as a podcast (expiration date is totally fine with me) so I can watch an episode over lunch when I’m not near a wifi. I would get soo much more out of my subscription if I wasn’t chained to my desk/net. The iPad app would definitely help, but it’s another $500, which I would rather put to use on more studio lighting gear after watching some of Scott’s Light-it, Shoot-it vids.
So… It’s been a month, and we haven’t heard anything new ;-) “How soon is soon?” ;-)
On a serious note. The iPad pre-order in the UK starts on Monday (you people on the other side of “the pond”, have bought so many of them, that Apple had to delay the European launch by a month, to satisfy your demand…) and they will start shipping on the 28th of May.
If I’m going to buy one, it’s gonna be for two reasons: 1. to carry my digital portfolio on it 2. to watch Kelby Training on it
So… if there is no Kelby Training available for the iPad any time soon, with the off-line feature (absolutely critical!), I have no reason to “rush in”.
Any time estimates?
“Cheers” ;-)
The iPad has become my go-to device for browsing, reading, and watching video. The form factor is just too convenient.
So, I’m anxious for an update. Is this close to being submitted to the app store?
Eagerly awaiting this app. Any news on it? Also thrilled with being able to download content.
Any news on this?
Scott, we want it now :-)
Cheers from Sweden!
I’m so happy that Kelby Training will be available on the iPad! I love my iPad and use it all the time, except when I want to use my KT account. Once one gets used to the iPad, which doesn’t take long, it’s kind of a pain to have to go to the computer to watch KT. I SURE GOT SPOILED QUICKLY. I am anxiously awaiting the new app. I know it will be awesome.
Update please.
I agree with Matt. Can you give us an update, Scott?
Was this just an April Fool’s joke or what?
Hi Scott,
Will you have your book on Ipad ibook store?
I want to buy Scott Kelby’s Digital Photography to read, but thought I would buy them for Ipad instead.
Hey Scott,
I am a subscriber to your online tutorials, and cannot take the full benefit with my iPad. Please let me know when the iPad app will be released.
I understand that it takes a while to develop applications but would love a rough eta on the iPad app/version of this site. Eagerly looking forward to it!
Any news on the iPad app? I’m ready to renew my subscription the same day the app will hit the store.
Do we know when the ipad app will be released?
My iPad came in the mail today, when will the KelbyTraining app be released?
What’s the good word? Waiting for this app before I subscribe.
Any updates on this?
Scott why dont you comment on when the app is ocming. Are you trying to be secretive like apple :)
Scott why dont you comment on when the app is coming? Are you trying to be secretive like apple :)
Puleeze get it ready already! Pretty puleeze!! :)
Any news? I’m also waiting for this before I renew my membership…
3 Months for finishing touches?
Any news?
Even support requests for information re the iPad app are not being answered…..
Still no news or feedback
Really anxious to see this app come to life. Soon?
Did anyone hear anything about the ipad app for K Training ?
NAPP site ?
D-town TV ?
An all in one app ? ohhhh I can’t wait. Please let me know something !
(you probably figured it out. I just got my ipad and need to cut back on sugar !)
Scott et al.,
OK. I know things get delayed, but since the April post mentioned ‘Finishing Touches’, I feel compelled to ask, what has happened to the IPad app for Kelby Training? You know that there is a mass of folks just chomping at the bit.
So… any light you could shed would be sincerely appreciated.
Thanks for all you do.
I’ve been patiently waiting too. Is there an estimated launch date?