Here's Wishing You All a New Year Filled With Peace, Joy, Health and Happiness

It's a national holiday here in the US (the banks are closed, government offices, and so on), and our offices are closed today as well, as we celebrate the beginning of a New Year.

My humble thanks to everyone who visited me here on the blog this year; to all my wonderful guest bloggers who shared their wisdom and images; to all the folks who offered my readers special deals and free-stuff on “Free Stuff Thursdays” and to everybody who said a nice word, had my back, made me smile, and made writing this blog so much fun this past year. Also, a big thanks to my assistant Brad Moore who helped so much once again this year in making sure every Wednesday and Thursday went off without a hitch. Thanks Brad (you rock!).

I read every single comment posted here during the year and your words of encouragement, support and friendship mean more than you know. What a wonderful time to be a photographer and a “Photoshop Guy.”

Here's wishing you and your family your very best year yet!!!

Warm regards,

Scott and my wonderful crew here at Kelby Media Group


  1. Scott Kelby, you are no less than twelve kinds of awesome, and you have helped me become a much, much better photographer. Just remember – it’s all fun and games until you accidentally clone out someone’s pants. Words to live by! :-) Happy 2013 to you and yours!

  2. Hope you have an awesome new year! Thank you for everything that you do for us. You have helped me out in my career and pushing forward. I celebrated the new year by subscribing to a year of kelby training. :)

  3. Thanks for being a businessman who care for others. I know a business is about making money, but thank you for caring about those you serve. Enough to step out into sometimes uncomfortable situations. Enjoy your New Year and I look forward to continuing to follow you here and on the other social networks.

  4. Back at you Guv’nor :)
    Thanks for all the support, help. friendship and laughs…during 2012 and beyond; oh and telling me there’s a GBK in my home town too :)

    Here’s to a FAB 2013
    See you soon,

  5. Scott, Happy New Year to you and everyone at Kelby Media! Thanks for all the great blog posts last year. I may not have commented a lot, but I read every one of them.

    Say, have you given any thought to my suggestion I wrote on the Boston seminar evaluation form? :-)


  6. Happy New Year to you, your family, and everyone at Kelby Media Group! You’ve been an inspiration to me in more things than photography/photoshop and I look forward to seeing you at PSW Orlando 2013.

  7. Happy New Year! Feliz Año Nuevo! For you and your Team, Para vos y tu Equipo. You Rock. From/desde Argentina, the country at bottom of the continent.

  8. Hey Scott,
    Happy New Year to you & yours too! This same message of well wishes goes out to all of the other folks in your organization that I consider friends too! A lot of your people fit this catagory and I’m sure I’ll miss some.
    Matt, my students love your Layers book.
    Pete, I love your brush lessons.
    Corey, keep on with the 3D stuff, they’re the best.
    RC, you have some of the most inspiring stuff ever, in fact, I show your video of “The Power of a Photograph” to all of my classes.
    Brad, I appreciate your willingness to help with critiques and being the knowledgable quiet guy in the background.
    Nancy, you rock with your skills on the live webcasts.
    Jeff, You are the man at the seminars!
    Remainder of the crew that I didn’t mention, sorry, but you guys are the best because you follow through with the vision of Scott and Kalebra!

  9. Happy New Year to you and your family and all the folks at Kelby Media. It is a pleasure to read your blog and I look forward to another great year of inspiration and information.

  10. Scott, thank you and your team for a wonderful, informative and fun orginazation. And thank you Scott for having the guts and integrity to write your latest book. We never know just how He will use us.
    You make a big difference in many ways, in more ways than you imagine.

  11. Thank YOU ! It’s been a great year to be a NAPP member and the additional content on all KelbyMedia channels, especially Kelby Training (even including that Dewis fella!!) has just lifted you guys head and shoulders above everywhere else in the world. It’s a pleasure and an honour to represent you in the UK and I am really looking forward to 2013 – here’s to fun, learning, laughter and burgers !! :)

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