On Wednesday’s episode of “The Grid” (our weekly talk show about photography, broadcast live each Wednesdays), I took some time at the end of the show to answer a lot of the questions people had here on the blog about how I post processed the images seen in my photo book from my recent trip to India (link to my “Four Days in India Part 1, and Part 2 from earlier this week).
The video clip above shows the Lightroom [Camera Raw] and Photoshop tweaks I did to the image, but there’s also some talk about shooting portraits on the streets, including a great street shooting tip from Zack Arias who was our in-studio guest. Lots of fun on the show (our topic was our Predictions for 2012 for the photo industry), and if want to catch the full episode (Zack was an awesome guest), you can watch it free online right here.
Have a great weekend everybody, and join me here Monday for my annual “Best of 2011” post.
It was a great episode. You always have such a simplistic approach to everything yet your results always look like they were very complex.
P.S. it still doesn’t beat last week’s episode though – that stupid shake weight :)
3 crazy guys. Lol. What was that sound :D Quite a fun filled episode that one. Nice tips on street photography :). Thankfully in India, a smile works a lot. Of course when it comes to the Mumbai high street crowd, a punch is for sure. Don’t disturb a person who is getting down a local train traveling to his office..hah
I don’t know whether this is the correct place to post but here are some of my street portraits
Thanks for post tips as well. Also, the details of the earlier person do not show up. Great job.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Zack is really inspiring. I got the chance to see two of his lectures at PSW Orlando in 2010. Good stuff!
Scott, you forget to add the link to the full episode.
I wasn’t able to watch live but I bet it was a laugh fest! Does this mean there is sn Arias KTraining class coming soon from Zach? 8-)
Zack’s quote at the end ‘It’s subtle. Most people wouldn’t even notice it’ Made my day. But seriously, I’ve spent all of 2009 traveling through Asia and India on a bicycle and one of my best tips for people photography is to carry a mobile printer with you. It allows you to give something back to the people you photograph. I had a Polaroid Pogo with me.
Thanks for the tips!
I tried to find answer from the web but couldn’t find it. Is it possible to do the same tweaks in Elements 10. I’m a hobbyist so CS is not so much an option.
Great Clip – I’m really looking forward to the general release of Lightroom 4!
Not sure if you missed the link to the full episode because there was no link there.
Hi Scott,
Enjoyed the piece about post processing the India shots and it also answered one of my previous questions about how you approached shooting people in your street photography :-)
Cheers David
“It’s subtle.” Awesome shots of India. Really inspiration when I go traveling next.
Tom: The shot of the Taj with the most towers wins. ;-)
Just reached the part in the show where you talk about shooting wide for the screen becoming predominant in 2012 because of the pixel penalty on prsenting tall photos on a screen.
I was at a workshop with Canon Master of Light Bruce Dorn two years back and that was the challenge he set to us – to think about how most images in the future will be seen on screen and how to shoot for that, and particularly to think about how to shoot tall objects in a wide format.
Some places in India are really watchable. Visitors must go there for recreation and enjoy.
Where all the portraits from India just snapshots where you didn’t ask for permission before you took the photos?
Mattias: There is only one shot in the book where I asked the man if I could take his photo first, and there’s only one shot in the book where the man I shot on the street asked for a tip after I took his photos. So, you’re seeing the snapshots where I didn’t ask permission first (only one shot in the book).
Hey Scott,
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and tips with us. I try my best to pass these tips on to my students as well.
You are greatly appreciated! :)
Cool stuff as always, Scott!
Photographing people is one thing, but how about using those images commercially?
Like putting them on a licensing site for RM or RF, or making a photo book like yours and selling them; would I need a model release to do that or how is your experience with that…
Thanks, Werner
I would need a model release if I were selling these photos as stock photography. I would not need one if I were selling a photo book, or even individual poster-sized prints of any of the shots. Watch the courses on Kelby Training on model releases and copyright and/or the sessions on Photoshop User TV where we had photo attorney Ed Greenberg on as guest, and we covered these exact topics. You can do a search on the blog and find links to those episodes. :)
Very helpful – thanks a lot!
Great episode! I was one of those that asked for details on the post processing. Thank you!!
I love the shots you can get in India with the colours and architecture/scenery. Also cheers for the law topic suggestion above – was very good info.
Great episode and thanks for the tips on post processing. BTW I loved the smile and wave! :)
useful insight, thanks
Thanks for the tips. Great clip
Really like that Zack joined you!
I have a question, why isn’t the full episiode in 720p on youtube or thegrid.com. The clip with the photo book is in 720p so it is possible i guess. It would be really nice to watch the grid in higher quality.
Thank you!
/ Alex