OK, but first there’s this! :)

… this past Saturday afternoon our son Jordan graduated with two degrees from The University of Alabama, and the whole family (and friends) went up to be there as he walked across the stage to pick up his diplomas and let me tell you, it was such a proud moment for us all. We were cheering and screaming and whoopin’ it up!!! (#rolltide!). We are so excited for him to be starting this new chapter of his life, and for the fine young man he has become. A prouder parent I could not be. :-)

That’s right — the print version of my latest book, “The Landscape Photography Book” hits the stores this week! It’s my most pre-ordered book in years, and it’s already #1 on Amazon’s photography bestseller’s list (see below), but you might win a free copy of the print edition today. Just leave a comment below, and you’re entered. We’ll draw five winners at random and ship you the book (as soon as we get our in-house copies, which should be any day). If you want to pre-order your copy now (so you get it first), here’s the link to the print version on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
Good luck, everybody! (more news stuff below).

I ‘m in Indianapolis Today For My Seminar Tomorrow

It’s not too late to come and join me, and about 200 other Indianapolis area photographers, for my full-day seminar; “The Ultimate Photography Crash Course.” Sign up over at KelbyOneLive.com
I’m in Minneapolis This Thursday

If you want to join me there for the seminar, it’s not too late either. KelbyOneLive.com

And then there’s the Photoshop World Conference at the end of this month
Whoo Hoo!!! It’s almost here — the world’s biggest and most complete Photoshop, Lightroom and Photography conference, and it all starts on May 31st in Orlando and runs for three days — you gotta come (there’s still time to sign up and be a part of it all): PhotoshopWorld.com
Have a great day everybody! Can’t wait to meet everybody tomorrow here in Indy!