Google+ Photographer’s Conference
We’re just a few weeks away from the Google+ Photographer’s Conference on May 22-23 in San Francisco! Register now for your chance to participate in photo walks, live shoots, and sessions with great instructors like Guy Kawasaki, Trey Ratcliff, Peter Hurley, Alex Koloskov, and tons of others. We just set up a couple of discount codes to use for registration…
Use GPLUSCOMM to save $50 off registration AND get 2 free months of online training at Or if you’re a student, use GPLUSSTUD to register for just $99 (must provide student ID)! These discount codes are valid until May 18.
And and, you can leave a comment for your chance to win one free ticket to the conference!
Want to know What’s New in Photoshop CS6? That’s the latest class from Matt Kloskowski over at!
Plus, there are two brand new classes from Rich Harrington: DSLR Video Planning & Shooting and DSLR Video Post Production. If you want to learn about DSLR video, there’s nobody better than Rich to teach this stuff!
The Photographer’s Photoshop CS6 Power User Tour
Speaking of learning the latest in Photoshop CS6… If you’re in Indianapolis, you’ll want to sign up for The Photographers’s Photoshop CS6 Power User seminar with Dave Cross! Dave is coming to town on May 23 with the tour that’s just been updated to showcase all the features photographers will want to know to get the most out of Photoshop CS6.
Keep an eye out for more dates to come, and leave a comment for your chance to win a free ticket to this seminar!
A Day with Jay Maisel DVD
It was announced on The Grid yesterday that we’re heading to Paris next week to film another class with Jay Maisel called (what else?), A Day with Jay Maisel in Paris! To celebrate, what better way than to give away three copies of the Day with Jay Maisel DVD that includes the first two classes that were filmed on the streets of Manhattan?
Leave a comment for your chance to win!
The Digital Photo Workshops with Dave Black
Join Dave Black and The Digital Photo Workshops crew as we explore the rugged coastline, lighthouses, and majestic villages of Maine. Rockland, Maine will be base-camp for this nautical themed workshop June 14-17, 2012.
You will work side-by-side with legendary photographer Dave Black as he shows you his magic technique of lightpainting. Take part in dawn patrol as we take you to some of Maine’s best sunrise photo spots. During the day learn workflow, Lightroom, and Photoshop techniques from the pros. Also get personal one-on-one help processing your images. As the sun goes down we’ll have you in the perfect spot to catch an image you can be proud of. And did I mention NAPP members get $100 off?
Leave a comment for your chance to win a free ticket to this workshop!
Last Week’s Winners
Here are the winners of last week’s giveaways…
David Ziser’s Wedding Portraits DVD
– S Traynor
– Lewis Johnston
– Camelia
The Digital Photo Workshop with Ben Willmore
– Lizzy Pat
That’s it for this week. Have a great Thursday!
I missed the Grid and I missed the Jay announcement! But put me in the drawing for his DVD set, Brad!
Would love to attend the Dave Black workshop (it’s in my neck of the woods), but I’ll be on a cruise that week with my wife. She’s better looking than Dave and I love her more….. :-)
Just spent some time working with Dave Black at SSA IX. Would love to have another opportunity to learn from the master.
A Day with Jay would be awesome to win. Such a great artist in a stunning city
I would love a DVD set of a day with Jay. Â Put me in for a chance in that drawing. Â Other items I don’t think I would be able to attend.
Would love your new book Scott. DVD’s. Have a great day…
Would love to get the Jay Maisel DVDs.
You made me a Jay Maisel fan. More please.
Would love to drive down to San Francisco for the Google+ Photographers Conference.
I would very much like to enter for the chance to win a Google plus photographer conference ticket, Thank you!
I would love to be a part of the google+ contest. It would give me a superb opportunity to learn from the the amazing photographer at the  conferenceÂ
Wow what a packed Thursday of giveaways! I’d be happy to win anything.. Have a great weekend!Â
The Maisel DVD would be nice,
I’d look at it once or twice,
Then 3 times more…for sure more than 4,
While I’m eating my beans and rice.
I would love to win 1 free ticket to the conference! I’m a beginning photographer and this would help!
I would re-gift the Jay Maisel DVD to my step-son in London. I know he would love it.
I’m so excited about the G+ conf, please count me in. It would be an awesome learning experience for sure. Looking forward to it.
Great Free Stuff Thursday.
I’m happy to win anything. Have a great day
Jay’s DVD would be great to win!
Jay is the man.
Would love to get Jay Maisel DVD !!!
I want to go to Paris with Jay
I’d love to win the Jay Maisel DVD(s)!Â
Yea, thursday free give away
Jay Maisel in Paris? Can’t wait for the class. The DVD would go a long way to hold me over til then.
Free stuff gets lots of comments! I would like to win the Dave Blac Workshop. :)
Oh my goodness, Jay Maisel in Paris. Â Dream workshop!!!
A free ticket to Dave Blacks sounds great too! Â Oh how I love learning!
Drop my name in for any of these sweet goodies please !
 OH yes please and thank you to either? But if I must chose, guess I’d kill for that photo trip to Maine :-)
Hey Brad, Â The photo trip to main would be a Killer!!!!!!!!!
I’d love a day with Jay Maisel but the DVD’s would do great:-)
A Day with Jay Maisel in Paris :) …. Fantastic
Best Wishes
I want to see Paris with Jay!!
Thanks FST!
I live in Norway, so I hope that It’s possible for me to win something. And I really hope to get the Jay Maisel DVD, to get better at street photography, and learn about what to look for when walking around a big interesting city.
Should be another good DVD
I’m in for aJay Maisel DVD
Free DVD Wi Wi
Jay Maisel..the king !!
I need me some goodness
Jay Maisel in Paris? Â What is next Joe McNally in Rome? Â Or Scott at a football game ;-)? I so can’t wait to watch it over on Kelby Training. Â These are the reasons why I will keep subscribing.
A day with Jay in Paris, great idea. Please hurry, I can’t wait for more of Jay’s wisdom.
Jay? Paris? Now that will be a fantastic video (not that they all aren’t great). Can’t wait to see it.
Very happy to hear about the new “Day with Jay” coming up. If there’s anything better than absorbing two days with Jay, it’s eagerly anticipating a third. Can’t wait.
Watched The Grid yesterday and nearly fell of my chair when you announced the new classes. Jay in Paris, can it get any better?! Oh, well the travel photography classes sound great too :)
Jay Maisel in Paris sounds a very interesting third installment to the trilogy – should it be renamed to ‘Return of the Jay Guy’? ;-)
Would be great to win a copy of the DVD.
Please toss my name in the hat for the Dave Black workshop. That would be fantastic. Only 4 hours away from where i work during the week too. Thanks Brad and Scott
I would like the Jay Maisel DVD
the Day w Jay is one of the best and thought inducing videos that I have ever seen. What a fresh way to present a photography lesson
Would sure like to win the Jay Maisell dvd’s …. :-)Â
The folks at NAPP continue to raise the bar. Awesome training, fantastic guests and cutting edge help for us wannabes. Keep up the great work.
Would love to win the Jay Maisel DVD Â he is over the top!
A Day with Jay Maisel DVD
It was announced on The Grid yesterday that we’re heading to Paris next week to film another class with Jay Maisel called (what else?), A Day with Jay Maisel in Paris! To celebrate, what better way than to give away three copies of the Day with Jay Maisel DVD that includes the first two classes that were filmed on the streets of Manhattan?Leave a comment for your chance to win!
Great news!
Jay Who? A workshop with Dave Black would be the dream of a lifetime… and it’s right on the Canadian border anyway.
Wow! So many cool things being given away this week. Thanks Scott! If I was going to win something it would be either the Jay Maisel DVD or the Dave Black workshop. Both great photographers and instructors.
Looks like you guys are raising the bar again! Great news and stuff as always!
I’ve always wanted a reason to see the Maine coastline.
Would love to win the Dave Black workshop.
Hello. I’d love a copy of A Day with Jay Maisel DVD.
First time poster! the Jay Maise DVD would work well for me!
I have always wanted to visit Maine and the Digital Photography Workshop seems an excellent way to do that. Please consider me for the free workshop ticket.
Thank you for always keeping us up to date!
 I have never been to Maine and to be there with Dave Black, PRICELESS!
Looking forward to the Day with Jay Maisel.
Would love to win a copy of the Day with Jay Maisel DVD
would like to win the dvd or the Rockland, Maine workshop.
I would love the Jay Maisel DVD. I watched awhile back and he is very inspirational.Â
It would be so wonderful if I could get a free ticket for the CS6 Power User Tour in Indy!!! Thanks guys :)
WOuld love to win a Jay Maisel DVD. Thanks in advance! :-)
Would love to photograph the lighthouses of Maine!
I would love to go to the Maine Workshop. Â A once in a lifetime opportunity!!
It all sounds wonderful!
Would love to win the Day w/Jay Maisel (Manhattan shoot) DVD! Have a good one!
I have always admired and been inspired by Jay Maisel’s images  – I would love his DVD’s.
Would love to win a Jay Maisel DVD or a Maine workshop with Dave black!!
Warning, Jay Maisel has a mouth that would make a dock worker blush! and a photographers eye that any of us could envy. I will take any freebie!
I would love the Dave Black Maine ticket. I went to Maine last summer and going again this summer. The coast of Maine in beautiful.
I would love the Jay Maisel DVD, can’t wait to see A Day with Jay in Paris when it comes out on Kelby Training!
I would love either prize. Loved the Days with Jay so far so adding Paris should be a hoot!.. And to get a chance to learn from David Black would be awesome, not to mention the one on one training wow.
Please add my name to both free stuff and thank you for the chance to win. Â
Wow Dave Black and in Maine too :) Would love to win that and chat about gymnastics shooting too :)
Hopefully you will be able to answer this. I watch “The Grid”, “Larry Becker’s Cheap Shots”, “NAPP News”, “Ask Dave”, “Photoshop User TV” and “DTown” when new shows are done. Most of the time prizes are given out but I am wondering if it is ONLY for those that can watch the live version. How much time does one have when viewing the shows to enter the giveaway contests. Not everyone has the ability to be off when these shows are on for the fist run.
A faithful NAAP Member and I love all that is done here.
Thank You,
Hey Phil – I just spoke with the person who picks prize winners for all of the shows, and they said they normally do it on Monday. Hope that helps!
Sign me up!! Would love to learn more.
I can’t imagine how awesome “A Day with Jay Maisel in Paris” will be. Can’t wait. Would love to win either prize. A workshop with Dave Black would be an excellent adventure.
Who does not drool with anticipation upon consideration of combining the romance of Parisian street photography with the realism and vision of Jay Maisel? I would love to be an invisible tagalong in such an adventure as that. Since it is not to be, swooning over the two existent DVDs of past interviews with Jay would definitely keep the fires of anticipation burning. A willing recipient am I.Â
I sure would like to spend two days with Jay via DVD!
Dave Black and the Digital Photo Workshops play Rockland? That’s a show I gotta see!
I would like to roam the streets of Paris with Scott and Jay. Too cool.
 I would love to win a 2 day workshop with Dave Black.
Love Jay, would love his DVD!
Dave Black workshop sounds fantastic. Â Would love to win ticket to this workshop.
Jay’s the man. I would love a copy of his two videos – Brian
I really want to go to the Google plus conference. I really looks fantastic and could help me in so many ways at my day job (but work can’t send me). Hey, maybe I could win a conference pass to that?Â
Dang. Nice prizes. I really hope I get something.Â
I’m sorry to say that I did not know anything about Jay Maisel until this post. Â I’m impressed.
WOW, Paris!!!!!!! I would love to go!!!! Oh wait, you aren’t giving that away. My bad. I would like a  Day with Jay Maisel DVD though. I could even make the Indianapolis date to seeÂ
Dave Cross too. I know I’m pushing my luck on that one too! Thanks!
I love the series a day with Jay Maisel among my all time favorites, cant wait to see the new one.
best of luck with everything.
Day with Jay Maisel DVDÂ I love that retouching is kept to a minimum in his work.If any Google + are left laying around ? Im just saying
Dave Black workshop would be a dream! Thanks
I’d love to visit New York vicariously with Jay Maisel.
I only enter when I REALLY want to win one of the prizes. I’d love to win any of these including the workshop!
I have a planned trip to NYC, so my wife can run the Marathon and what better way to get some photographic inspirition then a Jay Maisel photoshoot?
I live in Indianapolis and would love to attend the Dave Cross workshop! Â Thanks for all you do to help us be better at our art!
Would love to watch the DVD and get photography inspiration not only in NYC, but anywhere I visit.
Would Love to win the Jay Maisel DVD, Thanks for doing this every week.
Entering myself to win a copy of “Day with Jay Maisel DVD.” :D
I would love to have one of the copies of DVD of “Day with Jay Maisel” Would love to watch through it with my friends here who don’t have access to it on Kelby Training. Thanks again Kelby team. You guys rock.Â
Please consider me for the ‘Day with Jay Maisel’ DVDs!
would love the jay DVD!
Just found out about this blog through Flipboard, and I think it is awesome that you do these giveaways for your visitors! Will definitely be bookmarking this.
Add me to the list of people who would love a copy of that DVD
Would love to be able to go to Maine with Dave Black!
An interesting day
with amazing Jay
about THE place to be
New York
New York
Please, let luck be
with me.
I’d love to win a ticket to The Photographer’s Photoshop CS6 Power User Tour. Thanks!
Another Day with Maisel!? Can’t come soon enough. Oh, and I’d love to have the DVDs to get ready…
Jay ROCKS! Would LOVE one of his DVD’s.
Jay is a true inspiration…his teachings are classic and to the point.
I would love the DVD
Another day with Jay… another inspirational video!
Keep up the work on the blog… a daily reading ritual.
Thanks for all the great info and posts! Would love to see the Jay Maisel DVD!
Ah, a workshop in Maine with Dave Black would be inspirational. Pick me, pick me for the workshop giveaway!
Jay Maisel’s DVD it is!
Another Day with Jay? Scott that’s fantastic. Please pick me to win one of the copies of the DVD. Will be waiting in anticipation for the Paris one.
A Day with Jay Maisel in Paris. Boy would I love to be a “fly on the camera” for that shoot. As someone who spent a week with Jay in NYC in 2010, I can personally attest that time with Jay is a life changer- I would love, via the DVD set, to relive that experience.
The Jay Maisel videos were great. I learned so much from just watching you guys walk around New York. A short time after that he came to Columbus Ohio and I made the trip down to his lecture/conversation.
So, pick me, pick me, oooh, oooh pick me…
Yowza! Another Maisel learning experience…select me, please?
Congrats Lizzy, I was really hoping to win that AZ workshop. I am jealous!
A lot of the other workshops sound great this week, but I am on a no fly list for 3 months (medical issues not a war criminal) so no reason to enter me for those. C
Can’t wait to check out the HDSLR classes on Kelby Training!
As a Bloomington resident, I would dearly appreciate an Indy ticket to Dave’s workshop.
A Day with Jay Maisel in Paris, what a great idea. Put me in for that one. I would like to see Paris through his eyes and more than 30 years after I visited there.
Thanks for another awesome Thursday giveaway. Should it be my lucky day, a pass to the G+ conference would rock!
Jay Maisel’s first two “days” clarified and reignited my passion for street photography. He changed the way I shoot. Paris, I’m sure, will be another fantastic day.Â
Would love to be heading to SFO for the conference.
Jay Maisel in Paris…. Â NICE.
I can use free stuff I bought a new camera instead of registering for the Plus conference danged toys.
Looking forward to the new Maisel video.
Please enter me in the running for Jay Maisel’s video
Are we supposed to specify what we want? ‘Cause I want it all! (Cue the music.) Thanks for the chance- whatever it is I (hopefully) win!
The DSLR VIdeo workshops sound great!
enter me in the running for “A Day with Jay Maisel DVD”
I would like to be entered into the drawing for a ticket please!!Â
I like free stuff!
I should be giving Scott free tickets to see Bruce Springsteen for all he’s done for me!!Â
Would love to learn how the pros do it.Â
Would love to win any of these…..please include me!
The Google+ Photographers Conference would be so awesome to attend!
Enter me for the Jay DVD Thx!
I would be honored to attend.
Great opportunities! all sounds interesting to me, looking forward to hearing good news :)
Thank you!
It would be great to attend the G+ conference…
Thanks for all of the tip and help through the years, that’s why I love NAPP. I would also love to be entered in the Day with Jay Maisel DVD giveaway. :-)
Free ticket? Google +++++++
Its on my birthday and im having a week off work. I wanna go.
Sounds like a delightful conference.Â
i’m always looking to improve my skills…would love to have a chance to be in attendance!
This would make the ultimate birthday present: a photography conference in one of my favorite places in the world.Â
I would love to attend the conference.
Yes i would Love to go to the Google+ conference!!
Pick Me! I need to improve my google+ photo life with your workshops.
Just off Photoshop World, I’d be totally excited to go to the Google+ conference!
That google+ conference sounds awesome.
I would love to go to the conference! Saving up my pennies is not gonna cut it in time.
Our photograph class just watched Scott with Jay Maisel. Very interesting. I am new to photograph. I loved his house. I would love to share Jay Maisel DVD with my class.
Would love to go…relatively local so definitely would make the trip!
Would love to win a Digital Photo Workshop with Dave Black. I have never been to Maine. It is on my bucket list.
I have all your books and have inspired me greatly! Â Would love to go to the workshop!
Hey Brad and Scott!
Up for the DVDs! I hope you guys had fun in London!
All I can say is “oh oh pick me!” – Denise from Twin Falls, Idaho
I want to win! Â All prizes are incredibly cool! Â I would love to go to the workshop in Maine.
I have all 3 of the Digital Photography books – it’s really rekindled my love of photography from the high school / college days (having a little more money now) and upped my game as an amateur.
Hope to attend the Google conf since I’m a local — and get into your photowalk !
Would love to win a ticket to that workshop!
 Heard about the Day with Jay in Paris on the Grid last night. Sounds awesome. Can’t wait to see it. Put me down for a DVD.
Would be nice to get pro lessons!
The Google+ workshop sounds fantastic. I hope I win for my opportunity to attend.
Bummer the G+ conference is during the week…I’d have loved to join you guys there!
During the week? Bring it on! That’s why God invented vacation days! I’m just a Caltrain ride away!
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Pick me, pick me, pick me. What? To annoying? I promise I won’t do that at the conference.
I’d love the Day with Jay Maisel DVDs
I’ll take a day off from work to hear from the pros!
take me!! haha
I would love to win any of these things.
The G+ convention has so many interesting topics to cover, I wish I could be there. It sounds like a combination of a PSW “lite” meets a cutting edge business and networking conference…. Oh, wait a minute. -click- ;-)
Jay Maisel in Paris! Awesome, loved both “A Day With.. & Another Day With Jay Maisel” Please accept my little comment for the DVD giveaway (love that it’s a standard DVD and can be watched in any player).
Thanks for all you guys do!
What could be better, excellent topics, excellent speaker in an excellent city. Fingers crossed that I win the free ticket. Â
This would rock
Would love to attend!!!Â
Love photography conference.
Would love the Dave Black workshop if ever in NYC, but Jay Maisel DVD  will work as well!
Jay Maisel = coolÂ
Jay Maisel, a comment to win…….
I’m one bus ride away from the G+ conference and would love to go.
just 2 blocks away from venue. would love to go :)
I would love to win a copy of Jay Maisel’s DVD. After seeing comments like RC’s awhile back about his experience in NY participating in one of Jay’s workshops I eager for more content on this remarkable photographer.
Don J J C
I’m really looking forward to the new Jay Maisel class.
I’ve never been to Maine!!!
I am always thrilled to learn from Jay Maisel. I have been following him for years. Totally amazing!
A Day with Jay DVD would be great to win!…and to be able to refer to whenever and wherever I want. I really enjoy the interaction of Jay with Scott, Jay has so much knowledge to share and Scott does a great job of drawing it out.
Jay Maisel is definitely one of my fav photographers. Would love to get a hold of the videos.
The Maine workshop sounds wonderful!
The Jay Maisel DVD would be perfect
Another day with Jay. Fantastique!
I was wanting the day with jay dvd. hope i win
Hey, I’ll be in Paris next week, too! And I’ll be toting around a headful of Mssr. Kelby’s published know-how to boot. :)
Free sound great.
I would love to win the G+ conference ticket!
Once again – you guys go far beyond to help photographers out
A day with Jay Maisel – awesome!
This sounds amazing–thanks for the opportunity!
Iy would be awesome to win any of it.
Jay’s DVD in NY would be great! Â I wish I could be in Paris and shoot all day…
Jay DVD would be sweet.Â
Jay Maisel!! Would love to win the DVD!!
Even if I don’t win the Day with Jay Maisel DVD I’m just glad to know it’s available. Of course winning it would be much better :)
Would love the Jay Maisel DVD. Thanks for the opportunity and have fun in Paris!
I would love to go, but not in budget. Love the new concept of a G+ Conference.
I’m going to be there whatever it takes. I’m flying in from Texas so anything you can do to help it take a little less will be deeply appreciated. Thanks!
Please consider me for the Jay DVDs ?
Thanks –
Jay Da Man….Master Man
Wow. You guys are having a busy week. I’d love to attend the G+ conference. ;)
thank you very much for these chances :)
Exciting, looking forward to it.Â
JAY MAISEL!!!!!! Please pick me!!!
Oh, heck, let’s try to win one more time. Third time is a charm, right?
Can’t wait to got out to this event!
I’d like a day with jay maisel…
Please add me to the list for the Jay Maisel DVD. Thanks!