Hi Gang: Just a really short one for today—I’m up late prepping for a new nationwide tour I’m about to launch called “Light it, Shoot it, Retouch it, Live!” and today (Monday) I’m doing a test run of the tour with a small (25 people) live audience in our studios down in Florida.
We invited 25 or so NAPP members to spend the day with me for free today as I do the entire seminar, start to finish, just for them. That way I can get their one-on-one feedback, ideas, and generally test and tweak everything out before we hit the road. I’ll have the official tour dates and cities shortly, but in the meantime I wanted to share something that I’ve been seeing more and more of, and it makes me think the camera or lens manufacturers are missing something in their instruction books.
(Above: iPhone photo of lens with the lens hood attached, like normal)
We were at Disney World this weekend celebrating my daughter’s 5th birthday, and time and time again I noticed photographers with really nice DSLR cameras, with long expensive lenses attached, but with the Len Hood on backwards (like you’d put it when storing it away in your camera bag—as seen in the photo below). I must have seen a dozen like that, yet they were shooting right out in broad daylight. Of course, my natural inclination is to say, “Um, you have that on backwards” but thankfully I just kept to myself.
(Above: photo of what I see again and again—lens hood Backwards while shooting)
The one time I did say something was when I was shooting a football game at my son’s school one week. I see another parent there always shooting the games with a 70-200mm lens, and yet his lens hood is always on backwards, even in the direct Florida sun. So, he and I were already chatting on the sidelines one day, and I casually said, “Is your lens hood messed up?” And he said “I dunno. It is working, right?” I loosened it; turned it around and put it on properly, and he was stunned. He told me he had never though to try that.
So, since I see this so often now, I’m wondering if the camera and lens manufacturers shouldn’t drop a sheet in the box with a line drawing that shows the sun, and the lens hood in place properly, and then a camera bag with the lens hood shown turned around for storage. Hey, it couldn’t hurt. Keep an eye out for this next time you’re on vacation, and you’ll be amazed how many times you’ll see it.
Well, I have to hit the sack tonight. I’ve got to rock that seminar tomorrow (although it’s so late, it’s already tomorrow)! Have a great Monday everybody. :)
Manufacturers books are crappy, I learned more from Laurie Excell at kelbytraining.com!
Stalker Ken is right. Better to grab a few Kelby books before dropping a bag of cash at a camera store. Research is a lot cheaper than regret.
Bears still suck! (Sorry man, just living a bit north of there.)
Come on!!! Really? You guys don’t read the text, it’s impossible…
Anyway, Scott, there is any chance that you might be comming to canada (ottawa or toronto…) I know that it’s a bit of a streach, but I’d love to be able to attend one of your semminars…
I guess that having a DSLR does not make you a photographer after all ;]
I second a visit to Ottawa (Canada’s capital city ya know, Scott). But if need be, I will drag myself to Toronto. :-)
No, not Toronto or Ottawa….we need Scott on the West Coast in Vancouver!!
we need Scott on the West Coast, Vancouver BC Canada.
I actually noticed this a lot last time I was at disneyland as well. One time, I actually did tell someone about their “issue” – yet, they looked at me like I was some 14 year old telling them how to use their camera…… Oh wait ;)
It was also crazy just to see how many people had DSLRs, makes you realize how much people think, “If I get a good camera, I can get good pictures”.
– Brandon
But the problem is, they are right at some point.
The DoF that a DSLR gves you will make your photos look better right of the bet.
When I first got my D90, I was amazed at how I could take photos on auto of the stoll at my room, and they would look great!
In an amateur point of view, they are already getting better photos.
For example, I can’t find one amateur that finds my photos bad, they are all amazed at them. Yet every time I look at them I spot several flaws, and so does any other photographer.
Wow, I haven’t really thought of that. That’s a pretty good point.
You strike me as the kind of 14 year old that I would love to have hanging around telling me how to use my camera. Exceptional work at any age. See you at the top!
Lol…. Thank you! :)
Isnt that so annoying? I’m seventeen years old and it’s amazing how people look at you when you try to help them. It’s so funny how people think that since you’re young you cant know anything, when in reality, it has nothing to do with age, all it takes is reading the manual, or taking the time to learn.
Pedro-That is a good point about the DOF in a DSLR making your pictures look better, but still it’s almost comical how people assume getting a better camera will take better pictures. The DOF might make better pictures, but without the knowledge of how to create the DOF, you might as well be using a point and shoot. lol
Just tell them that they don’t even have to use it as a lens hood, it also makes a perfect cookie dough cutter or even a little Shriner hat. Mmmm, cookies.
Mmmmmmm Cookies!!
I would tell them to try shooting in manual mode and try some manual focusing, let them try that with the hood on backwards! :)
And again, that’s if they knew they can do manual focusing. :)
Tell your daughter Happy Birthday!
I am excited for your seminars and I just hope you come to San Jose, California.
If you do come close to San Jose, I will definitely come to the seminar.
Good Luck!
-Ritvik :)
What they could also do is pop a little notice on the box saying “Dude, it’s one thing having the cash to buy this fancy gear, but how about learning what it’s all about before cracking your piggybank?”.
I see it all the time too.
I have often wondered if the “backwards lens hood folks” ever cuss about the thing being in the way when they are trying to use the zoom.
I have occasionally mentioned it to folks and I usually get the same reaction that you got. Anymore I usually just shake my head and keep going.
Cool news about the upcoming tour, Scott!
Regarding the lens hoods, yes, it should be in the booklets. Manufacturers should do as much as possible to make their products and the correct use of their products idiot-proof, regardless of the skills of the individual holding the camera. :-)
The problem with making something idiot-proof is that someone else will always make a better idiot!
But at least the challenge will be bigger to be a better idiot. :-)
Hi Scot,
I’m a wedding photographer in the UK and I’ve seen it so many times when shooting over here, usually with the all the gear and no idea brigade. Admittedly the weather over here is a tad less sunny than Florida but they still look a little stunned if you ever suggest that they may gain the benefit of fitting the hood properly.
I’ll come to the defense of the backward lens hood folks, a little bit. Obviously the folks four hours in to a tour of Disney World don’t qualify. If I’ve just pulled the camera out AND the sun is over my shoulder I’ll shoot with the hood on backwards. As soon as I turn more the 45 degrees in either direction the lens hood goes on properly, but for a quick snap, in the right direction…
Here in Sunny Sussex the lens hood is as much a rain cover as sun shade – mostly a rain cover!
Hi Scott,
i am just an amateur photographer but i see that so often. You know what is fun too? I am italian and DLSR cameras are becoming a popular benefit to have (wich is a good thing i suppose) but at the same time i see so many people shooting around just looking at the 3″ monitor with live view on. Just imagine someone who’s taking a picture with a compact camera but actually he/she has a 5D or a D300 in the hands. LOL!
Did you see the photographer after the super bowl last night had a canon with 400 or 500 mm lens on a monopod over his shoulder while snapping pictures with a little point and shoot camera.. made me giggle..
At least it was a Nikon! :)
Yeah, I saw it and laughed. I hoped maybe he was shooting video.
Yes I saw that too. Thought it was odd. Made me giggle also.
I saw that too and thought it kind of odd. Only logical thing I could come up with is maybe he was doing video with it…
Maybe it was his backup camera.
When I see someone with it on backwards, I try to explain to them that it’s great protection for the lens. The concept of lens flare is a bit hard to explain, but kids with sticky fingers is something they can grasp.
I use mine even when I’m shooting indoors for just that reason. I’m sure a pro has seen me a time or two and wondered, “Hey, doesn’t that guy realize that thing doesn’t really work indoors.”
When trying to explain flare, I use the analogy of driving into the sun and your windshield looks much dirtier and scene is less clear than when driving the opposite direction. Of course I’m sure some people don’t notice this, but everyone can visualize a kid with sticky fingers.
I’ve had whacks to the lens hood that would have damaged the lens if no hood was in place.
Hey Scott,
I too, have had my hood on backwards while shooting a basketball game. Like the response given you by your football freind, “I never thought to try”. A few days later, I was visiting with the dean of my division visiting about the event with the camera present as well. He picked it up, unscrewed the lens hood, turned it around, and returned it to the camera. I think my jaw literally hit the floor. He looked at me (I have no poker face) and asked what was the matter. I just laughed and told him that I didn’t even know that “Thing” came off.
On the other point you made. I sure wish I lived in the Tampa area. I would have loved to have been one of the lucky 25. ;)
See ya,
I know you already have a new monopod. Don’t you think the Super Bowl MVP should give you his new red Camaro Convertible instead of a little monopod?? ;)
Here’s a novel idea… Maybe people should read the instruction booklet that comes with their camera and/or lens.
I mentioned to a guy in the Grand Tetons as he was taking close-up of a bear that he might want to clean the rain from his lens, then showed him how to turn the lens hood around.
I hope his shots were less smeared after that.
“as he was taking close-up of a bear”
The raindrops on the lens might have been the least of his concerns. :-)
I thought FOR SURE you would have at least ONE bitter post-super bowl comment when I got on this morning :) I was looking forward to it! My family spent the night trying to get my 20 month old daughter to say ‘Go Packers’ but she just kept responding ‘Da Bears!’ hahaha
Hi Scott,
It’s funny really, just the other day my friends and I were out shooting. One of the guys, just got a new Sony Nex-5. He seems not to know that there’s a lens hood attached to the kit lens. The problem are either, the manufacturer do not mentioned it in their manuals or, I think more possibly, the users don’t actually read the manuals.
People using so much money on camera equipment and don’t even know and get something so basic should just stick with cheaper stuff.
Send the rest of the money to Springs of Hope Kenya instead would be a much better use for it.
Fair enough if its on the entry level dslr and kit lens, but people shooting stuff like D700/5D/7D and using 70-200 lenses even if its just a F4 version spend to much money on stuff they don’t gain anything from.
I hope Tampa is on the seminar schedule!
Someone has a $2000 lens and doesn’t know how a lens hood works? I bet they own a Farrari and go 25mph to the supermarket.
I think you should make it your personal mission to stop this affliction. You could call it PALF. Photographers against lens flare. Friends don’t let friends have lens flare(or look stupid). You could have shirts with a camera on one side, hood on backwards and the red line through it. The other side with the hood on correctly. Maybe the slogan could be “Hoodies aren’t just for sweatshirts.”
I live in central Virginia USA and have wondered why so many people had the hood on that way. Having the hood on backwards prevents good access to the zoom ring on at least one of my lenses. I use mostly fixed focal lengths and the hoods stay in shooting position – even in storage.
After watching the Scott’s Jay Maisal video filmed in NYC, I tried taking the hood off my 18-200 for a day last summer and did not get much flare when out in the sun. However, I was not photographing when the sun was low – probably not later than 3pm.
Hey Mark ,we share the same stomping grounds
We now need to remind people of the basics? Do these users not look at the many who have turned their lens hoods around and say– “Wow, that’s what that does.”
Well, at least it sounds as though they’d gotten the lens cap off! Can’t tell you the number of times I’ve dragged my camera out of the bag just to see blackness when I put the viewfinder to my eye – oops!
The ability to purchase a nice camera is not linked to the ability to use it. Having worked in photo retail, it is astonishing to see the lack of knowledge of the average camera user. But, that is where Scott and others make there living.
I think I remember reading something in the instruction manual about how to put on the lens hood (line up the red dot on the hood of the Canon 70-200). But it just goes to show that most people don’t read the instructions that came with their camera, lens or other gear.
I once saw a guy using his external flash (the head was pointed 90-degrees right at his subject) with the catchlight panel extended. Because of course we want some of that light to bounce back onto the lens! ;) So often, I’ve wanted to correct someone or give them advice; but as Scott says, I just keep to myself.
I see a lot of people at Disney World with entry level DSLRs and kit lenses. But also the occasional L-series lens. The last time I was there some lady had the Nikon 24-70 (couldn’t tell what body it was). Personally, I don’t like to bring my rig to the theme parks; too much weight and hassle.
The Disney theme parks feature some of the most photogenic scenery in the world, crammed into a relatively small area. That’s what I bought a DSLR for in the first place! No way I’d leave it behind …
I get that you may take a quick shot at a theme park without it, I do that. I get that you may have just bought a slr and not knowing what it is on your kit lens, everyone starts somewhere. What I don’t get is how someone could drop a grand (at least) on a lens and not know. People with too much money!
Maybe there should be a rule that if you see someone with it backwards, and can name the lens and the owner can’t, you get to keep their lens.
I like that rule..
I seccond that… hahahahah
Ahem! Happy accidents may end up teaching us that turning the damn thing around can be cool. Convention is no wiser than ignorance here. Check the results. If they are asking about that pesky flare on the print, your advice might be oh-so-smart. Otherwise, it looks like chefs watching cooks. Food Network did not invent cooking; or food, for that matter! Celebrate that someone else has bought the nice stuff too. It holds down cost!
Be interested in other’s work. Then ask about their technique.
It is safe to say that manufacturers leave out much in their literature, but throw in so many coupons, cards, and junk, it’s hard to tell what is important sometimes! I think the jelly fingered kid is good reasoning…………… I’m protecting my zoom ring from the sun!
This lens hood practice calls for an in-depth segment on D-Town TV to help spread the word on proper usage! :D Actually it could be a quick tip, much like Matt’s tip on how to hold a camera when carrying it on your shoulder, with the lens pointed down, not out.
I’ve seen a few people do this (backwards lens hood) when I am out shooting, especially at the tourist attractions. I haven’t approached anyone about their mistake, but I may in the future.
This is about as frustrating as getting people off of “Auto” mode on their $1500 DSLR’s. I have a friend who asked me about the different mode settings on her new DSLR camera, and I patiently explained about all of them. She showed a lot of enthusiasm about trying them out, but the other day, I found she is still shooting in “Auto”, and had never tried the other settings after I instructed her. She said it was too much work. However, she does put her lens hood on correctly!
I hope Boston is on the tour schedule! I’m going to see the Flash Bus tour this April (why no mention of this on Pimpy Thursday, Brad?) and seeing you in the same year would be awesome.
You’re really lucky, The bus is not going anywhere near me =(
Infact the tip for carrying the camera with the lens pointing down was from Moose, in one of the earlier episodes, they “forgot” and Matt did it again later on. =)
You’re correct, Pedro…I forgot that Moose had done that in one of the early shows. Just don’t tell Matt, he still thinks that he thought that up!
Isn’t Moose Matt’s dad? :)
Your friend should just play with the various modes. It’s fun. I don’t think my DSLR has ever been in auto mode. I go out all the time and just see what kinds of different pictures I can get with different apertures and shutter speeds. Maybe if you tell her that, she’ll be more willing to try them out. You end up taking a lot of pictures because not all of them are good but some of them turn out great.
I’ve actually had a person say something thing like “that is quite a camera you have there, that must be a really powerful lens.” The guy had the same lens I did, he just had the hood on backwards.
Honestly – I didn’t know when it was to be used. Always? Only in direct sunlight? When?
So that said – I’ve rarely used it. I guess I’ll use it now :)
See! That’s what I LIKE about you – you treat everyone with RESPECT no matter what dumb (being unaware) things they do! You’re a GREAT teacher. HAVE FUN on your tour – wish I could be there!
I do have my Lens Hood backwards on my Nikon 18-200mm Lens when using pop-up flash. If I have it on the actual direction with pop-up Flash on, then it causes a shadow on my images as lens + hood is too long. Its a trade off that I do sometimes when I take portraits of friends/family in places like Disney/Sea World, When I have to constantly switch between long shots with no flash and portraits with flash in harsh sun/shadow. So I tend to leave them on backwards sometimes…
Plz let me know, how you guys overcome my situation mentioned above, when traveling lite with just one lens(18-200mm). Most of the new photographers get something like this (D90 + 18-200)….
I agree with you Suresh. There are times when I take my lens hood off, too (I don’t turn it around backwards because it gets in my way). One of the times I take it off is when using flash because I discovered, like you, that it makes a shadow in my photo.
Off the subject, are you sure you weren’t in Dallas? When the Steeler went out of bounds and hit the photographer 15 yards from the sideline and rolled the photographer backwards 360 degrees, I could it looked a lot like ……..
It wasn’t Scott. No Fender hat! :D
How do you handle the lens hood when using a circular polarizer?
I don’t want to admit it…but I’m guilty of this too when I don’t need it. But when I have to use it, I do use it properly.
Scott, while you were at Disney, did anyone recognize you there? When they do, do they approach you and talk camera gear, kind of awkwardly?
I’ve seen this time and time again, and have thought the same thing. Though, should the camera companies really add MORE packaging? Just as much, at the end of the day, I don’t know that all that packaging would really be worth the laughs I get from watching people with their hoods on backward. :)
I’m wondering if this is a Canon thing because my hoods don’t not ship mounted on my Nikon glass. It was not initially obvious that I could mount the hood backwards. I actually have the opposite problem. I hate having my mounted backwards because it interferes with the controls. I just leave it in the bag and throw it on when I need it. If I’m shooting landscapes, it’s hard to adjust the CPL with the hood on.
More than I’d like to admit, I have forgotten to turn it. However, one day I fell while hiking, and my camera went flying across in front of me on a huge stone outcropping. Thank goodness I had the lens hood in the right place!!!!!! It’s the only thing that got scratched.
On a tour note… It sounds exciting! Please, don’t forget Detroit. We still need you!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Scott, for all you are and do!
Hi Everybody!
Im young to photography, 3 years, and I made the same mistake when I first started. I went and bought a DSLR and a couple books and that was all I had. If i would of had someone there to show me, I would have learned this a lot sooner. Actually, I think, I learned this by accident. Photography is a “Monster” to learn. Keep shooting!!
~20 years ago, I received a beautiful little 24MM Sigma lens as a gift. I took it with me mountain climbing and put the hood on – not backward – but rotated 90-degrees. The long baffles blackened the left and right side of every photo I took that beautiful day. It was a hard lesson to learn.
Anyway, I think the problem with backward mounted hoods – and I see it at north Texas high school games and events all the time – is laziness as much as lack of education. I shoot with a hood 100% of the time unless I’m using a polarizer. They aren’t just for controlling flare, but I find colors are often more accurate and better saturated with it on. Plus, the hood helps protect the glass and keep it clean. So I think it is always worth the trouble to turn the hood around when I pull my camera out of my bag.
For the lazy photographer, it’s too much trouble and interferes with getting the lens cap on and off.
i look at this totally differently. if the folks want to shoot with the lens hood off….let them.
because then, when a whole bunch of folks shoot the same event and they look at my pics and they have no lens flare, and they all go ooh and aaaah about how much better my pics are, i can just smile and tell them i have no clue why.
seriously, if you buy a nice camera, learn how to use it. generally, every time i have suggested to others things like lens hood usage, i have been greeted with a less than friendly reception.
so now, unless asked, i don’t offer unsolicited suggestions and let the pics speak for themselves.
Great news on the tour. Please tell me that you’ve got at least one central Texas location on your list.
As to the lens hood, when I get tempted to get a little smug over something like this I try to remember that there are still a lot of things I don’t even know that I don’t know.
Watching my toddler learn is a great reminder to stay humble. I work hard at learning but that kid blows me away exponentially with the amount of new knowledge he is packing into his brain every day. His view of toilet paper is still, “great toy” rather than “great tool” but he can also pick up one of my lens hoods and see potential in it that I’ve missed.
It never hurts to stay open to the possibility that even someone with their lens hood on backward might be able to show us something worth learning if we approach them graciously. Some of the greatest teachers and closest friends in my life have emerged from those to whom I’ve taught the most.
I walk around with lens hood reversed because:
1) The geniuses who design $1000+ lenses still have not figured out how to make the retention system on the hoods work. The Nikon 24 – 70 is a great example of the RIGHT way to do it (you have to push a button and twist), but many lens hoods spin off as the camera rotates, hanging from my shoulder, but the hood catches on my clothes. Examples: Nikon 18 – 200, 17 – 35 2.8.
2) The hood makes the lens at least 50 % longer, wider at the end, and therefore more apt to bang in to someone/something.
3) The hood makes the lens at least 50% longer and 100% more obvious – not good for Maisel-type shooting (what does he do?).
“He told me he had never THOUGH to try that.” Though neeeds a “t” at the end. ;)
The grammar police are annoying…:)
That’s spelling.
Thanks, I try to be. jk
TYPO: “He told me he had never though to try that.” Though needs a “t” at the end. ;)
The last idiot is not born yet! :)
And how exactly do you manually focus?
Look at your lens, there should be a switch between AF and MF, you want it at MF.
wow. and i though people only put the lens hood on backwards when they wanted to have some fun with sun flare… lol
Maybe some people just shouldn’t be out in public (with a camera) unsupervised.
Just sayin’
As of today, May 17th 2010, I am moving my blog over to my web site, http://www.dcross.com. I’ve actually had this web site since 1997, but hadn’t done much with it in the last 5 years. Now, thanks in large part to a very helpful class by RC Concepcion over at Kelby Training, I’ve learned enough about WordPress to be dangerous.
Do you have some issue with dave, just wondering…? Check your ‘Dave Cross’ link > when you’re not busy doing fun stuff.
Hey Scott- I know this is kind of a non-sequitur, but I know that you’re a musician and football fan (obviously as well as a great photographer), so I was wanting to rant on about something that you most likely noticed during the super-bowl half-time show… the audio mix on the band was horrible! It was unbelievably bad – all vocals, nothing else – not even any reverb. It’s unbelievable that with all the money spent on the super bowl that Fox couldn’t find someone to mix the bands properly. The same thing happened last year… hmm, now that I say that, it occurs to me that I think you were “at” the super-bowl last year, so you likely didn’t watch it on TV. I’m sure they probably got the mix down pat at the actual super bowl but not for TV! anyway, as a musician I thought you may be interested. sorry about the non-photog rant…
I must admit, your story made me chuckle. And your idea’s a good one. A simple graphic would be useful. Are you listening, camera manufacturers?
Of course, that won’t address all the other things they’re missing out on by spending only money, and not time, on their investment.
WITH LENS HOOD: Improved contrast on images, a degree of protection from minor bumps.
C.R.A.P. : Cap Removed and Missing – Ya! I know that acro’s out to CRAM which is my name backwards… but crap is what you get without a lens hood (to over exaggerate).
Become a millionaire, make a hood that slides forward and retracts like a trombone and locks into position with a 15 degree twist. Charge a $20 premium over a name brand hood. Give me a penny for every one sold.
I keep my lens hood on backward when I shoot hockey through the glass but always turn it around when im shooting from the penalty box or above wheres theres no glass between me and the action on the ice.
Also on I side note may i suggest that a tour stop be in the Nebraska area? I would love to come to one of your tranning classes but it always seems like there isnt much workshops in this area.
I’ve seen this myself … the next time I see someone with their lens hood on backwards, I’m going to take their camera away and tell them, “You’re too stupid to own a DSLR – go buy a point-and-shoot. I’m going to give your camera to someone who deserves it.” LOL!
Interesting observation. What’s your view when shooting indoors? Is backwards OK then or is this something that serious photographers never do?
I was once called an amateur by a family member when I had my hood on backwards (deliberately) since I was shooting indoors and using the pop up flash. If I left my hood in place (forward) it creates shadows or dead spots that the flash can’t fill.
Let me say two things – 1. I am an amateur and the comment was meant as a joke 2. pop up flash is lame, lens too long flash too low, but all I had. ;)
Hey Scott,
Glad to see you’re doing the Light it, Shoot it , Retouch it tour. I enjoyed it on Kelby Training, and was hoping you’d take it live. I look forward to if or when it gets to my part of the world.
Who gets to go on vacation!
I guess I must be old’r than dirt, because I just noticed about a week ago that the hood would actually fit on backwards and lock-on! I have been SLR/DSLR for 40 years, and made a reasonable side job out of it for most of them! Don’t get out much I guess – locked in the studio……
If I’m only carrying my camera (no bag full of gear) on a sunny day, I have it on in the correct way when I’m not using a polarizer. With the polarizer on, I turn the hood around since it’s nearly impossible to adjust it with the hood in the normal position.
I actually saw a “pro” doing this at my nieces wedding last summer. She was shooting pre-ceremony shots in the heat of the day at angles that I am sure caused her all kinds of problems in post. Since I was not the photographer and officiating the wedding I shadowed her with my camera 24-70mm with lens hood on and got some great shots, that I later gave my niece after her obligation with the “pro” was settled. I don’t think she will use her again. However there is one thing about current lense hoods I do not like. They are hard plastic. With my Canon E1 and AE1’s the 50mm lenses came with retractable rubber hoods as well as all my other lenses back then. If you did not need them they just “scrunched” back out of the way. With the new hoods, turning them around is a pain and forget about putting them in your pocket until you get back to your bag. But if you ask many of the people with the hoods on backward they will tell you that hood is to protect the glass from the rain, so now I just smile at them.
Hey, Ken –
They still make those rubber folding lens hoods. Take a look at B&H.
Oh, by the way, I hope you make a stop in Detroit, Flint, Novi, or Grand Rapids, MI. I’ll take a vacation day for that seminar.
I have mine turned around when I have it in my bag Ronnie
Another funny one:
A customer of mine took my advice and bought a Nikon. he called me and said the photos look blurry when he takes a photo. He brings camera to me and it is his diopler on the viewfinder. :)
Sounds like me the first time I used a dSLR.
Hmmm… I frequently leave mine on backwards because I don’t feel I’m in an environment where it’s going to provide a lot of value or I’m really doing snapshots instead of photography. At the same time, I do know how to mount it properly and choose to do so at times.
Should I be schooled and take the time to always put it on correctly when I’m shooting? If it’s not always, are there some good guidelines that define the borders?
I hope your seminar was fantastic. I know, without a doubt, you rocked it out of the park!
Come to Canada with your tour!!!
Hey, I noticed you have the model number taped off like you mention many posts ago, but the “Nikon” is now showing. Does this mean that “Nikon” does not elicit theft protection, but “D3s” does?
You can’t see the “D3S” on his camera because it’s on the other side of the lens, not in the spot where Nikon puts the camera name of the lesser models.
Just proves that some people have more dollars than sense. 70-200 lens?! Seriously, take a class if you’re going to throw money like that around.
Watch the Kelby training video with Scott walking NY with Jay Maisel. Jay tells Scott to take off the filter and lens hood to make the gear less obtrusive to subjects on the street. Scott throws his over his shoulder. I assumed Brad was there to catch it. What does Jay know that we don’t?
Peter, then after he tosses it Jay shows him the awesome shot he missed while messing with his lens hood! :)
Please come to Honolulu, Hawaii and give a seminar!!!!!
how does it compare as opposed to hood ‘correctly’ mounted on a perfectly heavy clouded day?
Hi Scott,
Yeah I see that a lot ;)
Also congrats on your daughters birthday, they are grown before you know it.
Someone asked about inside ?
Always use the sun hood, it’s not bad and also inside there can be stray lights.
It doesn’t hurt but it does benefit you when it’s needed.
shame tour is just in states… :(
Geez, not much sympathy in this group. Not everyone has been shooting since dirt formed. I always thought all gear should have instructions. I installed my Manfrotto wall mounted background support wrong. They just assume you know.
I think you should have to go through some basic training and get a camera license to get a camera. Much like driving a car. Maybe even different levels of licensing. Camra phone leathers permit. Point and shoot license and CDL equivalent for DSLR. Just sayin’
Of course I also feel you should have to get a license and basic training before you have kids . . . hmmm, maybe a theory for another time.
Did I miss something, NAPP members invited to a screening of Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It Live, I would’ve been there, I am totally bummed, now I have to wait for you to come to Ft Lauderdale to do it!
I can’t comment about the lens covers, I’ve had my share of goofiness : )
I had such a wonderful time yesterday and learned quite a bit. I want to thank you for your generosity. I’m signing up for the next Tampa seminar too..
I’m wondering about those “eyelashes”?
We had truly nice time yesterday too. It was mine and my wife’s birthday Saturday and Sunday so this was our treat. We’ve enjoyed company of everybody at NAPP and other fellow photographers. And it was executed professionally and I hope that everybody agrees that for beta seminar we learned a lot. Hope to see you soon for different one.
We were in eyelash nightmare zone yesterday ;-)
Thanks Michael. I really enjoying presenting for you guys, and I learned a lot that will help me going forward. Thanks again for taking the time, and for sharing your ideas. :)
Hi Cheryl:
Thanks again for being there (and wonder no more). ;-)
Really enjoyed yesterday—thanks again for helping me out, and sharing ideas and comments. Very helpful. :)
The only time I leave my lens hood Backwards is when I have my 18-200mm on, and need to shoot at 18mm with the internal flash (if you have the 18-200mm to be light, it often means you do not want to carry the external flash with you). At 18mm you see the shadow of the hood on the bottom of the photo
I confess when I got my new DSLR 2 plus years ago I ran around with lens hood on backwards, just thought it was a weird quirk of my lens! I had someone politely show me which way it was suppose to go. Only problem I hate using lens hoods because its a pain to switch filters on and off. I know why you are suppose to have them on but I find them to be a lot of work. Is it absolutely necessary to use a lens hood?
No, but it would be a good idea. This might be of interest: http://www.betterphoto.com/forms/QnAdetail.asp?threadID=9887
Ha ha ha. :)
Sure hope you are bringing that tour to Portland. Hint, hint.
Scott – A wonderful day at your place watching you do your magic with the Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It Live. Watching you in action was a wonder. Glad you’re not an attorney. Meeting your staff is another treat. All talented people. The simplicity of your approach to the three componets is the key to it’s effectiveness. I’m anxious to see the finished product.
Thanks Scott,
This one drives me nuts too. I’ve been in numerous situations where I wanted to flip some strangers hood around. I too blogged about this topic >> http://kentweakley.com/blog/whats-this-lens-hood-thingy-for/
Thank you for your passionate instruction!
Sorry My god, Chinese words seems cannot be displayed normally in USA,they just all became “??????……”.
That is so funny, Ive seen people have theres that way and thought they just didnt want to use it for some reason..lol
OMG… so obvious when you think about it ;-)
Mind you, you’d have thought those manufacturers with all their $ would have invented a way to make a reversed hood work… It sure would make changing filters and removing lens caps so much easier… (especially on those darn canon’s with their fiddly, hard to reach cap releases!)
He meant ‘how would you manually focus if you we’re stupid enough to leave your lens hood on backwards?’. Not ‘how do I manually focus a camera?’, I’d have thought that was incredibly obvious.