First, a big thanks to everybody who came out to my Lightroom seminar in Chicago last Thursday (the top photo was taken by Dave Moser, during my live bridal shoot which starts the day. Below it is the photo I was taking, using just one Westcott TD5 Spiderlite [they rock!], and a reflector–click on them for larger views). I really had a blast, and met lots of really great people (and saw some old friends, too!).
I was lucky enough to have Lightroom expert Jeff Schewe on hand, along with Adobe’s own Terry White, who both helped me field questions on the breaks, and that was incredibly helpful. At lunch, Jeff shared a very cool Lightroom tip with Terry and I that neither of us knew about, and it’s so simple that of course, Terry and I were both embarrassed we didn’t know it.
In Lightroom 1.1, Adobe really beefed up the Sharpening features big time (and Jeff worked closely with Adobe on this particular part of Lightroom), and what Jeff pointed out was that Adobe included two great new Develop Module sharpening presets (One for landscapes; one for portraits) in version 1.1. Jeff said a lot of people had no idea these had been added (I sure didn’t know), but that these work two work great, and and at the very least are good starting points when sharpening either of those types of images.
My thanks to Jeff once again for helping out at the seminar, for sharing this tip, and also thanks to Terry for helping, and for being the other guy in the room who didn’t know that tip. It made me feel a lot better. ;-)
Next stop on my tour: Washington, DC next Monday (click here for info or to register). I hope to see you there! (NOTE: here are two blogs that posted comments after the seminar: NMB photography, and Julie Monacella Photography.
Hey, it’s Monday, so it’s time for some news, so scroll down to the next post. :-)