Hi Gang — we’re only 50-something days away from the Photoshop World Conference (April 20-22, 2017) in Orlando, Florida at the Orange County Convention Center (whoo hoo!), and I thought I’d give a quick update on what’s up, via a Q&A style post. Here we go:
Q. I know you’re in Orlando now, but you’ll be in the Vegas in the fall, right?
A. No. We are not doing a Vegas Photoshop World this year because Adobe will be holding their Adobe Max Conference in Vegas at the same time we’d be there.
Q. I usually go to the Vegas one — but since there’s not one, should I come to the Orlando Conference instead?
A. Absolutely! It’s going to rock — Orlando is a perfect location for the conference (in fact, Photoshop World started in Orlando, back in 1999). The convention center is about 15 minutes from Walt Disney World, and amazing restaurants, clubs, shopping, and fun stuff are all within walking distance of the convention center and our host hotel. You will love it!!
Q. Will dog photographer Kaylee Greer be there?
A. You bet! She’s all over it — doing a pre-conference workshop and class sessions.
Q. What about Matt Kloskowski? How about Jay Maisel? Serge Ramelli? Dave Black? Moose! Glyn Dewis? Julieanne Kost? Kelly Anne Conway? Terry White? Kristina Sherk? What about them?
A. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, yes.
Q. Alright, I’ll go register right now. Joel Grimes and Lindsay Adler will be there too, right?
A. You bet.
Q. What if I get arrested during the conference? Will you bail me out?
A. Are you planning on getting arrested?
Q. I never plan on getting arrested. Sometimes it just happens.
A. Don’t worry. Each year we put an amount aside in escrow strictly for attendee bail purposes.
Q. Really?
A. No.
Q. Last year you guys had the wonderful Gregory Heisler for your special evening presentation. Who will it be this year?
A. What an incredible night it’s going to be. It’s “An evening with Stacy Pearsall.” She’s an award-winning, medal-winning US military combat photographer and her images and stories are just stunning. Stacy absolutely mesmerized the crowd with her sessions at Photoshop World last year, and we knew giving her this after hours event would be a truly special night for everybody.
Q. Are you doing the Film Festival in Orlando?
A. Absolutely! That was another big hit from last year’s Photoshop World, and we’re making it bigger and better this year. The deadline for entries (for registered attendees only) is March 17, 2017 at midnight ET. More details (and the entry form) here.
Q. When is the deadline to enter the Guru Awards contest?
A. Same date as the Film Festival — March 17th, 2017. Here’s the details on that.
Q. What if I’m not going? Can I still enter?
A. Ummm…..no.
Q. So these contests are only open to be people who attend?
A. That’s right.
Q. That doesn’t seem fair.
A. I dunno. It does to me. These are competitions created exclusively for people who attend the conference — so they’re competing only against other people at the conference, so we’re all there together for these competitions.
Q. Except me.
A. Right. All the cool people will be there. Except you.
Q. So, you’re kind of implying that I’m cool by saying all the cool people would be there “but” me, so you were including me in the “cool pool.”
A. I was, but I gotta tell ya, this whole line of questioning is putting you in danger of getting a one-way ticket out of coolsville, daddy-o.
Q. OK, I get it.
A. That’s more of a statement, but I’ll let it slide.
Q. What is the host hotel this year?
A. We have an awesome hotel this year — it’s the beautiful Hyatt Grand (it’s used to be the Peabody hotel, but they renovated, expanded, and it’s even more awesome). Plus, it’s connected to the convention center so you’re right there where the action is.
Q. Is that where you and all the instructors are staying?
A. Yup. Well, except for Joe McNally. He insists on staying at the Four Seasons.
Q. Really?
A. Of course not. Joe’s at the Hyatt, too. Room 1863. Tip: he leaves his door open when he’s taking a shower. True story.
Q. Do I have to pick my classes in advance?
A. Nope. You can go to any class you want, any time you want, and move between classes as you like. No pre-registration necessary unless you’re coming a day early for the pre-conference workshops.
Q. Are the workshops the day before still available?
A. There are ten workshops, but a few of them are literally going to sell out this week, so if you’re thinking of coming a day early to get into one of these in-depth workshops, I’d get your ticket for the one you want now, so it’s not sold out.
Q. Will the Partner Pavilion vendor area be open to the public?
A. It will not be, but if you wanted to bring a spouse or someone traveling with you, and we can arrange a special free pass for them.
Q. If I’m a beginner will I be lost?
A. Only if you don’t follow the directional signs. You could easily wind up at Seaworld if you go too far past the end of the convention center.
Q. I meant in the sessions?
A. We have a lot of beginner’s that come to Photoshop World, and they’re able to follow along no problem with most of the sessions. Of course, if a session is named “Advanced” then I’d probably sit that one out, but there’s nearly 100 sessions so there will be plenty of other classes to choose from. Also, while you might arrive as a beginner, you won’t leave as one.
Q. I’m looking for a roommate for the conference. Any ideas?
A. Well, you could try match.com or get the Tinder app like our instructor Erik Valind.
Q. He uses the Tinder app?
A. I have no idea, but let’s just say that since we briefly showed his naked butt in our “Wayne’s World II” movie spoof during the opening keynote a couple of years ago, he hasn’t had to look very hard for roommates.
Q. What kind of conference is this really?
A. Well, apparently it’s ‘clothing optional’ if that tells you anything.
Q. Are you serious?
A. As far as you know.
Q. OK, this sounds like a go. When does the early bird discount expire?
A. You can save $100 bucks off the full conference pass if you register before March 17, 2017.
Q. What’s the deal with you guys and March 17th? It’s like everything expires on March 17th.
A. That’s when our cream cheese in our fridge at the office expires, so we felt like that was a sign.
Q. Do I get a discount if I’m a KelbyOne member?
A. You bet! You save $100 off the full price.
Q. So, if I’m a KelbyOne member and I register before March 17th, I really get $200 off, right?
A. Right!
Q. What if I’m a Photoshop World Alumni, and a K1 member, and I register early? Do I get $250 off?
A. No, unfortunately, offers and discounts can not be combined.
Q. Who would make a coupon that’s a foot long?
A. I know. That one always puzzled me.
Q. What if I have a question that’s not answered here?
A. I have answered every possible question and permutation with complete clarity, silent lucidity, and quadrophenia.
Q. OK, but let’s just pretend for a moment that somehow one slipped past the goalie. Where can I learn more?
A. Well, in that one-in-a-million chance, you could start by reading our official FAQ (as opposed to this somewhat nonofficial Q&A), or you can chat with our team directly from the site unless you do it late at night when they’re all busy on match.com
Q. Well Scott, this has been enlightening, engaging, and endemical.
A. I’ll take that as a compendious. I hope I’ll see you, and your fancy words, in Orlando!
Q. I’ve always wanted to go — I wouldn’t miss it!
A. I knew you were one of the cool people!
Q. As cool as Erik Valind?
A. No.
Well, I hope you found at least 16% of that helpful.
Have a great Tuesday everybody. Wait, one more thing — come catch me and my guest, the ambidextrous, multi-breasted, Matt Kloskowski as he “Rocks the Houseski” on “The Grid” tomorrow at 4pm – don’t miss it – http://kelbytv.com/thegrid
P.S. Q. Scott, is there any way you might embed a short video below that might just push me over the edge about going? A. I’m reluctant to do that, but OK — it’s below, but only because you asked. ;-)
Are you guys having an expo and making an expo only pass? If we were only to do a 1 day pass for Saturday, can we still attend the opening ceremony or access any booths on Thursday/Friday and just not attend classes or will that completely restrict us from entering on those days? Thanks!
Can’t wait, Scott! I’ll have to hit you guys up for a free pass to the Partner Pavilion for my wife, as she’s just going to be chillin’ by the pool while I’m in classes.
See ya next week in Bahstun!