Before we get to today’s tip: just a heads up: Today the last day to enter for your chance to win the same Profoto B1x Strobe I used in that behind-the-scenes fashion shoot video I shared here on Friday. It’s not a photo competition, it’s a straight-up giveaway, so all you have to do it enter for your chance to win. Click on the graphic below, or go to this link to enter right now. Hey, ya never know — you could be the person to win that awesome Profoto B1x.
OK, on to today’s tutorial
I wound using Photoshop’s Content-Aware SCALE last Friday when I was creating the YouTube Thumbnail for my Behind The Scenes shoot, and the image didn’t fit like I wanted it to. After it quickly fixed my problem, I was once again reminded of what an extraordinary feature it is, and how little-used, or even known about, it is. So, today, I’m showing you how to use it, including a few tips that make it even better. Check out the video below:
Hope you found that helpful!
Hey, Lightroom Users in the Washington DC area:
I’m coming with there with my full-day Lightroom seminar on Friday, August 17th. Come on out.
Have a great Monday everybody!
Nice – forgot about that!
Scott, correct the month on the post from April 17 to August 17th for the LR seminar. And if any are thinking about it, it’s well worth the money.