OK, I just had to share this because…well…it’s Sports Illustrated, and I am just really excited!!!!
This was shot on assignment for the wire service I shoot for, Southcreek Global Media, at the “Beef ‘O’ Brady Bowl” (A Big East conference college bowl, played at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Florida). During Bowl Games we try to upload images from each quarter live as the game unfolds, and so this year I again asked Matt Kloskowski to be my editor, and he worked up in the Press Box above the field during the game and after (see his photo below).
(Above: Here’s Matt’s view from the Pressbox, taken after the game with his iPhone. He added a few annotations to show you how rough he had it). ;-) Matt gave a behind-the-scenes report over on Google+. Here’s the link).
Matt and I didn’t get home until around 3:00 am (well, after the final uploads after midnight we had an hour drive home, and a late-night stop by Applebees), so I didn’t see that SI had featured the shot until the following day when a very kind follower on my Facebook page posted the news. When I saw it, I did a major happy dance!
Thanks to SI for including my shot; to Matt for being such a great editor, and to Southcreek for giving me the assignment in the first place. I’m shooting an NFL game this week (more on this shortly), and then the Outback Bowl on January 2nd.
Congratulations Scott! I bet there aren’t many sports shooters with an expert editor working on their shots while they are on the field! You’ll probably get many more published. Way to go!
I know—having Matt up in the pressbox is definitely a strategic advantage! :-)
Congratulations! Very cool. Merry Christmas to you, your family, and the rest of the NAPP family. Looking forward to another year of fun. – Craig
Awesome job Scott. SI is the pinnacle for sport’s photographers! Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and your family.
Yay, Scott! Way to put that 400 2.8 to good use…great shot! I particularly like the way the colors interact in the frame, with the bowl logo being kind of a focal point…
Yeah, I thought the same thing! But “snapshot”? S-I should change the name of their photo of the day!
Way to go Scott! But how did you get a photo without a yellow flag in it, as they were flying all the time?
Congratulations ! a good Christmas gift ;)
Merry Christmas to you and the entire gang.
Yo Scott
My son and I watched the Beef O Bradys Bowl. Next time I’m in town, I wanna go to beef O’Bradys!
Congrats Scott! What a cool way to end the year : )
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Very cool. Nice post, too. Congratulations!
Congrats, cool photo, interesting to see the setup and how you’re uploading finished images as the game goes on. However, that is the worst name for a bowl game in the history of bowl games. I know they’ve all gone to corporate sponsorship names but that’s just horrible.
Congrats, Scott! And Merry Christmas!
Congratulations Scott. Great work! Looking forward to seeing your upcoming NFL shots.
As you know, you’re blessed when you have Matt available to be the “editor” for you. I do some stringer work for the local newspaper, and I hate having to stop shooting a game, and then trying to quickly go through the process of downloading shots, selecting the ones to send in, writing up the info for them, emailing them, etc. Any edge to make this process quicker would be welcomed. I think I read previously that you use Photo Mechanic for that. If so, how about doing an online class at Kelby Training for using Photo Mechanic for this purpose? I’d really appreciate it.
I agree, that would definitely be an interesting class to put up on Kelbytraining.com
I like Matts deal !
pressbox, cold drink, birds eye view
Just curious…how did you get the shots to him quickly? Seems like a slog to carry cards from the field to the press box over and over…
Jay Murphy
(an old film shooter of Marshall Sports)
Scott did you get your NEST Thermastat yet. I just hooked mine up & it’s Awesome. So Awesome ! Can’t wait to freak out my Wife out & turn the Heat on while I’m at work. LOL
I´m not surprised. Your sport images, along with a lot of other images, are really good and i think they are getting better and better still.
You could just stop what your doing now and do this instead. ;)
I always enjoy having a look at your football pictures, especially the ones that aren´t typical football pictures. Those are usually strong and show something else, which i personally like.
Keep doing what you´re doing so well and have a merry christmas!
Nice! Congrats!!!!
Sorry to ask a dumb question but, how do you go about uploading between quarters?
Congrats Scott! That is so awesome! Really cool to know I’ve shot with a photographer that has made it into SI! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
good for you !
But it’s pretty tricky to put a screeenshot of a website and know that we can’t click on the swimsuit wearing lady on the left and see that too !
Congrats, Scott! All those crappy photos you took and learned from finally paid off. :) Next up….a double truck in SI’s print issue!!
Oh, Man —- Chuck Barnes ( Chuckster.) will be bad jealous…… Nice Shot and good team work… Merry Christmas Scott and Matt….
Great news! Congrat’s
Congratulations Scott, well deserved. Great shot.
Congratulations Scott, Always such a rush to see your work go beyond what you originally thought it would.
Wow Scott and Matt! Congrats to finally getting published in SI! You deserved it. I’ve been following your sports and you’ve been getting better and better!
Merry Christmas to you and Matt and the staff at NAPP!
Hi Scott Merry Christmas to you and your family as well. I’m sure you’ll be telling us about some other cool gift that santa left for you under your tree on christmas morning, so I’ll be waiting. Also I second the request to having a kelby training video on sports photography and using photo mechanic would be real helpful to a lot of us here in kelbyland. Have a great trip to India for the new year and we’ll all catch up in 2012…
Hi Scott,
I hope you and your loved ones have a safe and Merry Christmas.