Today we hit the ground running learning how to use Lightroom with Photoshop (and we went over some of my latest Photoshop CS3 tips, including my new “Hollywood Look” portrait effect which was a HUGE hit with my students).
In the afternoon I taught the class how to shoot tethered directly into Lightroom, then we did an afternoon shoot of some Calla Lillies. The actual flowers themselves looked pretty lame (they were somewhat damaged along the way), but I was really tickled at how my students worked those shots, and came up with creative ways to shoot them. When we were done they looked good enough that I used one of their shots to open my presentation to the entire student body tonight (National Geographic photographer Chris Rainier is also teaching here this week, and his presentation tonight was absolutely mind blowing!).
I’ve included three more shots (Above) I got during yesterday’s shoot at the Eaves Movie Set. Tomorrow, we’re doing more Photoshop CS3, more Lightroom, and we’ve got a live on-location photo shoot. Sounds like another great day ahead. Wish you all were here!