Mornin’ everybody. Today over on our sister-site, LightroomKillerTips.com, I did a post on a quick and super-easy technique for dealing with a common portrait lighting situation. It’s just two steps — 30-seconds, tops. Here’s the link.

Inspired by an article on DigitalCameraWorld.com called “Why I dumped Lightroom CC and went back to Lightroom Classic,” I wound up going into Photoshop and mocking up what Classic might look like if Adobe simply updated the look and feel with from Lightroom “cloud” (what he refers to as ‘cc’ in the article). Here’s that link.

Lastly, if your Lightroom is running slow, here’s probably why.
Hope you found those helpful, and here’s wishing you a safe, happy, healthy week! Don’t forget to stop back by tomorrow for “Travel Tuesdays with Dave.” :)