Some Quick News


Howdy, folks. :)

  • Part 2 of the Derrick Story’s “Photoshop CS3 Insiders” interview with Adobe’s Kevin Connor and Dave Story is now online. It’s an audio interview (called Podcast 85), so all you have to do is go to Derrick’s site and click the link for the interview.
  • Looking for some inspiration today? Check out my buddy Jeff Revell’s photo blog, which has some great photos of classic cars, plus some other cool images. Here’s the link.
  • This has nothing to do with Photoshop whatsoever, but if you really love popcorn, and you want the best popcorn on the planet, check out Garrett Popcorn (from Chicago). They ship nationwide, and their popcorn will change your life (in a good way). You can get two flavors, side-by-side, in one large can (try the half carmel, half cheese—it rocks!). It’s not cheap, but ask anyone whose waited in line for hour at one of their Chicago stores (there’s now one in NYC, too!), if it’s worth it (trust me–it is).
  • The photo above (click on it for a larger view) was taken by Marvin Derezin, (one of my Santa Fe Workshop students) as I was shooting the infrared photo of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi that I posted here on the blog on June 15th (scroll down to see the shot I was taking). Thanks to Marv for sending the photo.
  • I had a great comment posted yesterday by Trina, who wants to take a workshop, but wants to know what the difference between something like my Santa Fe Workshop and my upcoming GAPW workshop. In short, here’s the answer:

    The Santa Fe workshops that are based on Photoshop (like mine) take place mostly in a state-of-the-art hands-on digital lab, and you generally stay and work in that lab the entire week. Now, because of the way I teach Photoshop and Lightroom, I kind of break the lab rules a bit, and take my students out for a location shoot each day (sometimes quite early, before class), so we can learn the entire process from start to finish (we shoot, we process, we print). We do everything from architectural shoots, to portraits (and portrait retouching), to flowers, and everything in between (we even included a wedding shoot this time), so it’s very broad based, but main reason you come to my Santa Fe workshop is to learn Photoshop and Lightroom.

    In contrast, the GAPW workshops are focused on landscape photography—that’s why they’re held in such amazingly beautiful places, and we take you to some breathtaking locations to give you every opportunity to creates some shots of a lifetime. These are definitely landscape photography workshops, so we only shoot in good light. The rest of the time, we are back in the classroom (on your own laptop) learning how to process our landscape photography (and only landscape photography) using Photoshop and Lightroom.

    I hope that helps, Trina. And to Wayne who signed up yesterday for my Montana workshop—dude, we’re going to have a blast! :)

That’s it for now. Have a great Tuesday.

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Video: A Quick Look at my Santa Fe Workshop