OK, they’re not “technically” High-Def prints—-I call them ‘high definition’ because to me they look like the difference between an HD television and a regular television (they are that good!).
These are the prints on metal (aluminum) from Imagewizards (I talked about their prints earlier this year—here’s the link), and even though I’ve seen other prints on metal, I’ve never seen metal prints like theirs (don’t confuse these with printing on metallic paper—this isn’t printing on paper at all—your image is printed on Aluminum (they call it AluminArte). The detail is insane!!!).
Since the detail is insane, we asked them for an insane deal. Here it is:
Two (2) of their 16 x 24″ Framed images for $250
NOTE: Their Regular Price is $237.61 each, so you’re saving around $225.22!!!)
One 24″ x 32″ Framed image for $250
NOTE: Regular price is $322.77 (you save 72.77)
Shipping for these items will be in double sided corrugated cardboard. Cost of shipping depends on location and number of pieces. They do ship internationally
This “This weekend only” deal actually runs through Dec 23rd (I know, it’s more than a weekend).
To get this discount:Enter the coupon code SKB12 in the comments section right here.
My thanks to Imagewizards for hooking my readers up!!!!! :)