Win Some Sweet Adobe Goodies
Layers Magazine (the how-to magazine for everything Adobe) is running a contest called “How Photoshop CS4 Saved The Day” where you tell about a time you were in a jam and you used Photoshop CS4 to save the day (Basically, they’re looking for your creative solutions to everyday challenges).
They pick weekly winners (for the next five weeks) which get a copy of Lightroom 2, plus an Adobe 18-1 Card Reader, an 8GB USB Drive, and a three-year subscription to Layers. Plus you’ll be featured in a Layers magazine article and on the website, as well the Adobe website.
At the end they pick one grand prize winner who gets the entire Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium or Web Premium (or equivalent value), a full conference pass to the Photoshop World Conference & Expo, a one-year subscription to Kelby Training’s Online Training, and $250 of books or DVDs from our own Kelby Training. (The Grand Prize winner will also receive special recognition at Photoshop World in Vegas on October 1 during the opening ceremony). For all the details, or to enter, here’s the link.
Update on Yesterday’s “How I Display My Prints” Post
I learned yesterday (from some of my astute readers) that IKEA has discontinued the KLANG ledge I showed yesterday, but Joe P. pointed out that they have something that looks like it might be better (for the same $14.99). It’s called the “RIBBA Picture Ledge” and you can see it at IKEA online (here’s the link). It’s 45″ long, so you’d only need two to cover the same space as three of the KLANGs (so you save about $15). Also, Ken C. pointed out another cool option—-a thin cable used as a Curtain Wire, but of course we’d use it to hang prints. It’s called “DIGNITET,” it’s $14.99 as well, and here’s the link to it on (but sadly neither are available for online order—-you have to go to an IKEA store to get yours).
The First in-Depth Review of Volume 3
The first in-depth review I’ve seen of my new book, “The Digital Photography Book, Vol. 3” is now online at Ronald R. Martinsen’s Photography Blog (Unfiltered Reviews with Real Feedback). Here’s the link to check it out.
My Down & Dirty Seminar in Orlando is Just A Few Weeks Away
We’ve already got more than 400 people signed up for my Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks workshop coming to Orlando, Florida on Friday August 28th. If you’re thinking of joining me for the day, make sure you sign up right away, as seating is limited, and when it’s full, it’s full. Here’s the link with all the info.
Sweet Deal on Epson Exhibition Fiber Paper
Friend of the blog Michael Tapes turned me on to a sweet deal on my favorite paper, at more than 40% off. It’s from a company called, and here’s the link with details. Thanks Michael for the heads-up.
Tomorrow’s Guest Blogger is…….
…..the full time photography assistant for living legend Jay Maisel, it’s Jamie Smith!
My assistant Brad Moore came up with the idea of having some of the photo assistants of famous photographers do a gig as guest bloggers (just as Brad did about his experiences working for Joe McNally), and I loved the idea on a bunch of different levels. One of the first people Brad wanted to feature was Jamie—who being Jay’s full-time assistant has to have just one amazing job!!!! I can’t wait to hear what Jamie has to say tomorrow, so make sure you join me here to catch Jamie’s Guest Blog.
That’s it for today folks!
I hope you have a kick-butt day everybody!!!!!