We Need Photo Walks in China!
Although we already have more than 800 walks around the world, and more than 15,000 people already signed up for walks, there’s a massive country that only has three Photo Walks—China. I really want to see Chinese photographers get the chance to be a part of this event, so if you’ve got a connection with any photographers in Mainland China, can you let them know about the Photo Walk, and see if we can get some walks going in Bejing and other major cities around the country. I would hate to see China left out. Here’s the link with all the details, and thanks for helping me spread the word over there.
New Episode of D-Town TV–The Weekly Show for Photographers, is Up Live
Matt and I are back again with another weekly episode, and in this week’s show:
– I show a few tips on using a polarizing filter.
– Larry Becker is back with “Cheap Shots” and he’s got an amazingly inexpensive rig for transporting light stands, umbrellas, and other photo gear
– Matt has a number of tips on keeping your camera gear and photos safe while traveling
– Commercial photographer Jim Divitale shares some tips on using the Canon Utility software for tethered shooting
– We check out the work of lifestyle and wedding photographer Jasmine Star
– Plus you have a chance to win a copy of Nik Software’s Silver Efex Pro
Here’s the link to watch Episode 43.
This Friday, Let’s Meet Up in New York City
The free NAPP-produced, Adobe Sponsored, “Photoshop CS5 Summit” is this Friday at 4:30 pm, and if you haven’t reserved your seat, better do it quick. Here’s the link with details.
New Online Class from Photoshop Hall of Famer, Dan Margulis
I’m really psyched to announce that we just released the second part of a brand new online class at KelbyTraining.com from Photoshop legend, and the father of modern color correction, Dan Margulis, called “There are no bad originals, Part 2.” It’s an amazing class that will challenge you, and get you thinking in new ways. It’s not for “newbies,” by a long shot, but if you’re ready to take things up a big notch, catch Part 1, and this new Part 2. Here’s the link.
By the way; though I don’t always mention them here on the blog, we add at least one new class every week on Kelby Training Online, and we’ve got brand classes from Joe McNally, Wedding photographer Cliff Mauntner, and Moose Peterson all coming out in the next few weeks.
McNally Invades The UK July 23rd
I guess Joe McNally won’t be leading a Photo Walk on the 24th of July, because he’ll be in London, England on the 23rd teaching off camera lighting, as we take his tour to the UK for the first time ever. Here’s the link to reserve your seat (this one will be sold out in advance!).
It’s 1:26 am—I’m hitting the sack!
That’s it for tonight folks. Have a kick-butt Tuesday!
Scott, I’m surprised how fast my walk is filling up. I think this weekend I will do a test walk to get the feel of where we will go.
I had been planning to apply to lead a photo walk in Beijing for awhile now, but your request today was the last push I needed.
I’m with you, Scott. Can’t wait to get more Chinese involved in this great event.
Hi Aaron:
Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Let me know when it’s up-and-running, and I’ll start spreading the word!
Thanks for taking this one. I’m reallly excited for the photographers of Beijing! :)
And we totally need some more here in switzerland, I just signed up!
Lets not forget Toledo, Ohio !! We had a great turnout last year, but I don’t feel qualified to lead a walk myself.
I have registered for the NYC event along with my son (Highschool Junior taking Computer Graphics class next year). We have not received any emails back so just wondering did the registration actually went through or not?
Thank you,
This update just in… Total number of Photo Walk participants: 1,000,015,000 :-)
I would love to take part in a photo walk, but will be doing some photo “walking” of my own through the wilds of Alaska at the time. I will be thinking of all you lucky participants though.
Trevor, I lived in Fairbanks for 10 years. I hope your headed twards Denali, that would be a great photo trip. I was between 4-14 years old and I just had Scan Cafe scan the 850 slides my dad and I took up there. Now that is one beautiful place, you lucky dog! :)
Ken, we are spending five weeks up there altogether (our third consecutive summer). We did Denali two years ago and it was indeed an unforgettable experience — lots of photos on my site. This year, we will be spending time in Homer, Wrangell-St.Elias Nat’l. Park (Kennecott/McCarthy), driving the Denali Highway, Katmai National Park for some brown bear watching, Tombstone Mountains in the Yukon and all points in between. One week to takeoff!
Trevor, Your shots of Alaska are fantastic!! I see you have been to Myrtle Beach area, I live in the upstate of SC. I am closer to the Smokies. One of these days I will come back up there to see how Fairbanks has changed. My sister was born in Fairbanks, maybe I can get her to travel up there with us. Watch out for the Grizzlies!!
I come from Beijing,China.I am very excited to hear you need Photo Walks in China.I would like to attend this event, how to apply?
Your link to the Photoshop CS5 Summit has a strange date at the top of the narrative: December 31, 1969 at 7pm. Guess I’m a little late.
This is a comment on some previous posts re HDR photography.
There is a strong analogy that exists in painting that I think applies very well
In the mid 19th century, all professional artists pretty much painted only in a studio & mainly photorealistically. There were portraits. landscapes, still life. & religeous themes (patronage)
Then along came a few rebels, Renoir, Monet, Degas & others who took their easles outside & did quick & dirty renderings of how the scene ‘impressed’ them & not how it realistically looked.
The Paris SALON, which was at that time the arbitrater of all painting, dismissed this ‘impressionistic’ work & banned the artists from showing, & therefore gaining recognition.
Well altho banned from mainstream art, the list of impressionists grew & sold their paintings & eventually became one of the most popular forms of painting…….the public liked their interpretations.
HDR Is so related to the impressionists that it’s scary.
I am excited to go through Dan’s new class. I really liked his LAB classes. But Do you know what would be really great? If I could watch the classes on my iPad. Any word on the Kelby training iPad app?
Will – I inquired about that myself just yesterday to the Kelby Training site and the response was it is still in the works…hopefully in a couple of months :)
Already booked my spot for the Joester’s UK training session, maybe if he’s not too knackered after the session he could take part in a London photowalk.
Hi Scott,
I have my ticket booked to see Joe in London on July 23rd and the next day i shall be joining Glyn Dewis on the Windsor photo walk. Perhaps Joe would like to join us on the walk and sit back and enjoy the company!
All the best
I screwed up big time when I thought I signed up for Matt’s walk in Sausalito when there were still 36 or so places left. Apparently, I must have done it all wrong because, when I came back to check a week or more later, I wasn’t on the list. Anyway, the sign up process is smooth and well orchestrated so I only have myself to blame. But I sure am bummed ;-(
I signed up for Joe last week! :D I’m travelling AAAAAAAAALL the way from the Philippines! Although I’m wondering if Joe may lead/attend a walk in London the next day :D I’m using his workshop and the walk to get my fiance into photography hehe, although I’m finding a shortage of walks in Central London! Theres only one when last I checked….if theres nothing by July first I’ll set one up, cuz I’ve shot hyde park to death! (Nothing beats hyde park covered in snow :D) from my London days….Any reccomendations from any London readers? Bricklane mayhap? My other Idea is I might pop down to brighton and attend a walk there :D
Not quite China, but it is Chinese. I’m leading a walk in Taipei, Taiwan, which, although an independent nation, is claimed by China as their territory.