Brad Moore here again with a quick update… I just saw this on Scott’s Google+ page and thought I’d share it here as well.
We’re giving away a FREE Wacom Intuos 5 Tablet TODAY on our live broadcast at 4:00 pm ET. I have to be honest, when I heard they were coming out with a new tablet, I was like “What could they possibly do to improve it?” But now I have to say, apparently LOTS! So digging it. See you at 4:00 pm today — hope you win! :)
Good grief! I’m already saving my pennies for the upcoming updates and now this!
I’ll be upgrading my 4 for sure!!
I’ll be upgrading my 4 for sure!!
wow. this is an awesome upgrade!! i would love a free one hehehe!
Watching broadcast now: Wow! Wacom’s made some great improvements…and I’d love a tablet.
Nice! I just came home from work to see this video. Wish I could have seen the live broadcast, but I’m sure it will be archived on the NAPP site. I love my Intuos 4!
Missed the show :( Is there a recording anywhere?
they need a trade in program, I have the intous 3, 4, now a 5. UI need to sell the others before I get the new is what I always say then I buy the new so I am not without a pad so they pile up
Love my Intuos 4, but I could always make room for the new Intuos 5…enjoyed watching the live broadcast too!
WooHoo! UPS just delivered my new Wacom Intuos 5. This thing is so freakin’ cool!
Between this and Lightroom 4 just being released, it’s like Christmas in March.