My guest this week on “The Grid” was the most awesome dog photographer anywhere, Kaylee Greer (who, by the way, has the cover shot on the new National Geographic magazine “Nat Geo Wild“). On the episode (you can watch it above), she answers viewer’s questions; shares her techniques for dealing with hard to photograph dogs (and tougher to deal with dog owners), and well…she was just awesome. You will love it and learn a lot (she shares some great tricks, too!).
Kaylee is here at our studio filming another online course for KelbyOne that should be released in about four to six weeks. Her first class was such a huge hit, and she shared everything from lighting to post processing, but she’s got so much more to share, so we were out on location with her today filming her next class and we’re super psyched to be bringing more Kaylee your way.
Hope you all have a great weekend, and we’ll see you back here on Monday (well, I sure hope). :)