OK, we don’t have sports right now, but we can still look at some amazing sports images. Here are 10 of my favorite sports photographers on Instagram, in no particular order, but definitely ones to follow:

Kyle Zedaker
Kick ass team photographer for the Tampa Bay Bucs (Guest blog link) – @zekakerkyle

Julio Aguilar
Shoots for Getty (among others) — great polo shooter (guest blog link). @julioaguilar

Richard “Dickie” Pelham
UK-based newspaper sports photographer (guest blog link).

Donald Page
Titan’s team photographer. Titan among men. (guest blog link) @donaldpage

Claire Jones
UK-based top Rugby shooter

Andy Kenutis
Minnesota Vikings Team Photographer – one of the best there is.

Dave Black
Legend in sports photography (guest blog link)

Peter Read Miller
One of the all-time greats. (guest blog link)

Rob Foldy
Atlanta Falcons | Killer sports photographer, kick butt drummer, loved by all. (Guest blog link)

Bob Dechiara
Boston-based sports photographer. Already misses Brady
These are some of my favorites, and I’d love to hear some of yours (post links to ’em in the comments, and I’ll check ’em out). :)
Enjoy the amazing pics of these pros, and make sure you stop by tomorrow to wish Dave Williams happy birthday (it was Sunday, but still). :)
P.S. Tomorrow I’m doing another free Webinar open to everybody. This one is to teach Photoshop compositing for beginners for portrait and landscape photographers. I’ll give you the files to download so you can follow right along with me. Here’s the link (for tomorrow at 11:00 AM ET).