1. Did you miss Thursday’s “Photoshop World-a-thon?”
If you missed Thursday you missed out on a ton of Photoshop and Photography tips. Besides what “The Photoshop Guys” did live on the air (including my live shoot with a “Big ‘ol soft box”) a bunch of our instructors shared video clips of tips to air on the show, and it was literally packed-full of cool stuff (the idea of course, being we’d give you a sample of the stuff we’re teaching in our classes at Photoshop World Las Vegas and that you give you some idea of what we do for three solid days, and then you’d want to come and be a part of it all, and meet everybody in person, and all that. Here’s the link — you can watch the free rebroadcast right now: http://photoshopworld.com/athon/
2. They say this past Wednesday’s Episode of “The Grid” was one of our best ever!
The topic was: “”Why you’re not shooting video with your DSLR like you thought you would” and we did something we rarely do on “The Grid” we did a step-by-step tutorial (when you see it, you’ll see why). And, we did the entire tutorial in just 5 minutes (we ran a countdown timer), but you should start watching around the 20 minute mark (the first part was me giving my “most embarrassing photography story” and God knows you heard that already. Anyway here’s just a few of the comments I saw online after the show aired:
> “Mind blown! You totally delivered. Looking up my unused videos now⦔
> “That show was an epiphany for me mate.”
> “…thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued sharing of things.”
> “Absolutely amazing episode. Hats off to you guys. Now i will starting editing all the videos that i shoot with my DSLR.”
> “You have blown my mind yet againâ¦that was the best ever Grid⦔
> “Absolutely amazing show.”
Hope you’ll check it out — if you’re sitting there with a bunch of video clips on your computer and no movies to show for it, this could change everything for you in just five minutes. Thanks for checking it out.
3. This year at Photoshop World Nikon is doing free camera cleanings, too!
Canon has been doing free DSLR Sensor cleanings for the past few Photoshop World’s (how awesome is that!), and this year we’re delighted to announce that Nikon Professional Services (NPS) will be there as well doing cleanings for Nikon DSLR shooters. If you’re going to Photoshop World, all you have to do is sign up in advance at this link.
4. Our new Kelby One “Trailblazers: Powerful Women of Photography” Series
I was very fortunate to have the incredibly talented Mia McCormick (above) as my Guest Blogger here last Wednesday, and she did such a fascinating post that gives you some insight into what it’s like to be a journalist/photography storyteller sharing the stories of folks like Joe McNally, Joel Grimes, Lindsay Adler, and Gregory Heisler among many others, and it was really wonderful. But in her post she made a very important introduction to a new series Mia is producing for KelbyOne online training called “Trailblazers: Powerful Women of Photography” and I didn’t want that announcement to slip under the radar â” she’s really onto something special here. The series launches in just a few weeks, but in the meantime make sure you check out Mia’s post from last Wednesday. I promise, you’ll totally dig it. Here’s that link.
5. If you’re a Canon EOS 1Dx shooter, I did a video on the free Firmware 2.0
If you’re a sports or wildlife photographer shooting a Canon 1Dx, I did a short video for Canon going through all the new auto focus features in the free Firmware 2.0 update (and I’ve embedded it right above). Hope you 1Dx shooters find it helpful. Here’s a behind the scenes from the shoot (below).
6. We’re giving away FIVE signed copies of my new book, “The Digital Photography Book, Part 5: Photo Recipes”
Over on the KelbyOne Twitter page, they are doing a giveaway of my new book (and I believe they are choosing the winners today). Here’s the deal (I copied this tweet from the K1 page):
“If u want to win an autographed copy of @ScottKelby‘s NEW Digital Photography Book Part 5, tell us why & use the hashtag #DigitalPhotoBook5“
Needless to say I’ve already seen my share of tweets that say stuff along the lines of “Because he has a selective color effect in his book.” Funny. Ugh. ;-)
7. Let’s wrap up with some inspiration with a look at an amazing photographer: Chris Burkard
It’s another installment of SmugMug Film’s brilliant series on photographers, and this one is called “Arctic Swell: Surfing The End of the Earth. called SmugMug Films. It’s incredibly well done from start to finish (you should subscribe to their youtube page — – all their videos are really just incredible). My hats off to SmugMug for bringing these photographer’s stories to life through tho series.
Well, that’s it folks — thanks so much for stopping by, and we’ll see ya back here tomorrow. Feel the love! :)
D810 rocks big time, been shooting it all weekend, DPB#5 is enroute from Amazon…..SHABANG.
#DigitalPhotoBook5 I’d love Scott Kelby’s new book because every other book of Scott’s that I own has been an absolute game-changer!
Firmware update 2.0.3 for the 1Dx has been available since January- is there another update I missed? If so, I can’t find it. (and if not, why are they promoting it now?)
Big Al
Hey Big Al. I just found the link to the video recently, so I thought I should share it. :)
1Dx is certainly a great camera in any Firmware version but 2.0.3 makes it better! :-)
I cannot watch the rebroadcast. When the video starts it gets obscured by a login dialog. I gave up after typing in my name and email five times :(