My buddy Matt Kloskowski just me this iPhone shot of my latest book which just arrived at the office yesterday (I was working at home, getting caught up for my trip), so that means it’s already on its way to bookstores.
Really excited about this one! (I added lots of cool new stuff — more on that later, but I’m psyched). You can preorder yours from, or Barnes &, (both are selling it around $27. Cheap!), or anywhere super cool books are sold.
CAKB, ordering now!
I was reading about Help Portrait last night, and I’m curious about organizing an event. Â There is a lot of information out there, but it seems to vary considerably.
I was wondering if you might use your considerable training network to help produce a set of videos to assist people who haven’t done this kind of thing before. Â I see several possible topics:
* Overview on what skill sets are needed and how to find them
* Venue selection, sponsorships, and advertising
* What equipment is really required
* A high-production retouching workflow
* Etc.
Awesome, congrats on the new “baby”, Scott!
Cool, and when can we expect to have the CS6 book ready?
Well, it’s written, but I think we have to wait for Photoshop CS6 to actually ship. :)
Hello Scott,
thank you for your wonderful work. Just one question. When can we expect a french translation of this book ? I’m the happy owner of the first three volumes of “Digital Photography”. Can’t wait to have this !
Hi Scott,
Not sure if this is the right & relevant place to ask this, but I will try: I have a problem in Lightroom 4 and I’m not sure if its a bug or only a problem with my setup. When I select export from the File Menu, on the dialogue window, where I specify the folder to where I want the picture exported, there is a drop down menu with paths to previous folders. In Lightroom 3 the previous paths were selectable, but in LR4 they are greyed out. Any idea why this happens? I really miss this functionality!Â
Thanks in advance.
Kostadin Luchansky
Angola Image Bank
Hey Scott, This is great I’m sure, but I don’t use Lightroom. When will your CS6 book be ready? Will you have a section on Video too?
Hi Mike: the book is already written and in production now (Photoshop CS6 hasn’t officially shipped yet), but I have a kick-butt, in-depth chapter just on DSLR video with Photoshop. It’s one of the parts of the book I’m most excited about. :)
Hi Scott,
Do you have any plans to offer a spiral bound version like you did with your Lightroom 3 edition? I really think you should consider publishing spiral bound version of your books, e.g. CS6 and LR4. They make reading and following along so much easier.
Hi David: We usually do order just 1,000 copies in spiral (we have to buy them directly, because  book stores won’t stock them because there is no spine, and books are displayed with spine out so people can see the name). Keeping my finger’s crossed. :)
We pre-ordered 2 copies from Peachpit Press and they arrived yesterday! We were shocked to hear the door bell ring since we had no clue they had shipped. What a pleasant surprise.
That is GREAT news!!!!! :-) Â Hope you enjoy it and find it helpful. :)
According to UPS, my copy is on the way. Now I also need to download the ePub version from Peachpit.
I surely need one of those to improve my LR4 flow, like managing the library, rather then the “developing” side of it! Better order one, then! Thanks
I just went to order the Kindle version of the book at Amazon. I see that it costs more than the print edition. I know you have nothing to do with that, but I sure don’t get it!! Guess I’ll have to think a bit about buying another paper book to sit on my self, much as I’d like to have it.
So I got my hardcopy and love it. But for some reason the eBook copy from still isn’t available. I’d like to put it on my iPad before my next trip. Anyone else been able to download theirs?
I will like to know about writing an Amazon book… Can I use LR4 for that?
Oh awesome the Kindle version is here.Â
I AM SOOOO excited to get this book!!! My parents gave me the Lightroom 4 upgrade to go on the LTR 3 that I have. And my brother and his family just gave me the The Digital Photography Book- 4 for my birthday also!!! I have the whole series and also LTR 3 book!!! So looking forward to readying more book by you Mr. Kelby, I love them all and am so inspired every time I pick up one of your book!!
I wanted to order an e version of your LR4 Book. I first went to amazon and saw the print version and digital kindle version. Then I went to Napp remembering my discount-but didn’t see a digital version on the site. So I ended up going to iTunes and purchasing it for $25 and downloaded it to my MacBook Pro. Yea-does everyone know this already-that i just bought a book i cant read on my laptop? The MacBook Pro is new to me so I didn’t have any reason to think anything I bought via iTunes couldn’t actually be used on the MacBook-yes there is a note on the iTunes book details page off to the left that says it can be viewed on ipad, etc-which I saw AFTER I hit purchase. So music, podcasts, movies, tv shows—all can be viewed on all apple devices via iTunes but not books? Really-I just feel ripped off. A least a warning pop up dialog could come up after hitting purchase to the effect “this iBook cannot be viewed on OS X devices, would you like to continue with purchase”. Then I’d be writing a good review cause i would have purchased the pdf or just bought the print version rather than being PO’d that i cant read it from all my devices. Btw-did I miss a way to highlight content in the book or add notes?