Today, at 12:00 Noon ET, Right Here All Will Be Revealed

  1. Lets hope its the IOS update that’s been useless for the last 3 months on my ipad. Yes tech support said months ago its imminent. Great training guys lets down by a poor app since the IOS 7 update 3 months ago. Yes 3 months wasted money and i have not renewed my subscription after it expired on 31/12/2013

      1. You sent me an email a couple of months ago about a update soon. Still well over due. That’s why i have ended my subsrciption. Lets hope there will be good offers on when the updated app comes out too. 3 months wasted.

  2. I don’t know how long this has been in the wind here… But I’ve been on KT all week watching Moose shoot birds and “critters”..and this is the first I’ve heard or seen of any of this.

    Glad I touch base with Scott on his blog…and to think, I was just ONE click away from a heart attack !

  3. ***Here’s my Guess*** Hope it comes true or better!

    (This is only a prediction people I have no insider information, but I sure wish I did)

    KelbyTraining and NAPP would be merged to form the worlds largest User Community of Photography and Photoshop Professionals. We’d receive complete access to the NAPP community, all of the online training, and the print edition of Photoshop User Magazine all for $179. As if that wasn’t enough, Scott & Co. would negotiate a special NAPP/KT permanent rate with Adobe for 8.99$ per month for Creative Cloud subscription to Lightroom and Photoshop,… and it gets better. If we acted now, we’d get all of this for an annual cost of only 229.99$.

    But wait … there would be more.

    For the next month they would knock off an additional $30.00 off the price. That means if we signed up now … we’d get everything for just 199.99$ a year, and they would stand behind that price for the next 3 years.

    I think that would be a pretty sweet announcement :)

  4. They do exist! And now there is proof. Scott photographed the landing of the mother ship right in his backyard and is making a tutorial on “how to photograph an alien spaceship” along with “land it, shoot it and retouch that (not sure if that is skin)” alien portrait session and all that for a discount if you sign up before invasion day!!!

  5. New Book! “101 Classic Down and Dirty Channel Effects for Digital Photographers using a 7 Point System of Photoshop Killer Tips in a Crushed Composition Lightroom Workflow”

  6. – 14 Dots
    – K-ish looking
    – on 1/7/14 (There must be date significance)
    – Slightly tilted counter clockwise (The tilt gives it the graphic a little energy don’t you think, lol)
    – The hover over title is ‘creativesunite’
    – Right dots are bigger than left dots (signifying expansion?)

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